14. Surprise

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Kyle's POV

I'm still leaning against the wall where Caleb left me when I hear shocked gasps coming from the stands. I walk towards them and see a sight that rips my heart in two. Rayne and Caleb are kissing in front of everyone. Some people look utterly surprised, some even look disgusted, but most of the people are smiling and clapping. Once again, Rayne has stolen everything from me. 

I walk away with a feeling that I've never felt before, complete rejection. But there is also a familar feeling lingering in the depths of my heart, absolute rage. Rage for Rayne Clearwater the guy that showed up on my doorstep and managed to steal my entire life away from me. The guy who came into my home and shattered my almost perfect life to pieces. The only thing that I needed was for my dad to come back home and to fix things with Caleb but now it's obvious that none of those things will ever happen. I will never be happy because of him.

Suddenly, I have a new plan. I would not just sit idly by and watch Rayne continue to ruin my life. If I can't be happy then neither can he. I would make sure of it.


Caleb's POV

Everything is silent. There is no one but Rayne. The only thing I feel is his warmth in my arms and the feeling of his soft lips crashing against mine. Everything is perfect. Until I suddenly am yanked back into reality. Literally.

My coach is yanking me hard by the collar and I am forced to pull away from Rayne. I turn around to stare at him completely dazed.

"I hate to break up this cute little lovefest but- THERE'S A GAME GOING ON HERE!" He yells in my face. "Worthington you have 6 seconds to get your ass back on the field!" I stare dazedly as he stomps back down the bleachers clearly pissed.

"Sorry, I have to go but can we talk after the game?" I really hope Rayne has forgiven me. I sigh in relief when he nods his head.  He still looks completely at a loss for what just happened. I have just revealed to the entire school that I love Rayne Clearwater and I don't care. I really hope he doesn't mind that I just outted us both.

I give him a light kiss on the cheek, which is met with loud squeals from random girls. Oh lord, let the fandoms begin. I turn to run after my coach but as soon as I take a step down the bleachers my ankle sends a lightning strike of sharp pain through my body. I have to hold on to the railing to keep from collapsing.

"Caleb, are you okay?" Rayne says running to my side.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just tripped." I assure him.  I refuse to sit this game out. This is probably one of the most important games of my life. First, I don't want to embarass myself in front of Rayne. Second, winning this game will impress so many college scouts and will qualify our team for states. This is an opportunity I simply can not afford to screw up.

Rayne gives me a worried look. "Are you sure? That was a pretty nasty fall you took earlier."

"I'm fine. Don't worry." I know I'm lying but the last thing I need is for him to worry about me. I'm the one that needs to be looking out for him. Especially considering the fact that Kyle was up to something. I didn't know what but judging from the earlier situation he was willing to do anything to hurt Rayne and ruin our relationship. The guy was seriouly fucked up.

I manage to make my way down the rest of the bleachers, hiding my limp as best as I can. 'It's about damn time Worthington! Now can we finish this game?" Coach glares at the referee. The referee shrinks away from him, trust me, no one wanted to be on the receiving end of Coach's wrath.

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