17. Damage

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Caleb's POV

For the third time this month I was back in this damn hospital. I sat in the plastic hospital chair gripping the arms of it so tight that my knuckles were turning white and the sharp edges felt as if they would cut through my palm. I don't know what I'm holding on to but I feel that if I let go I will lose my grip on the only bit of sanity I have left.

Rayne's father was sitting next to me with his head in his hands. My heart ached for him. He and Rayne had just started rebuilding their relationship and now-.

No. I couldn't allow myself to think like that. Rayne is going to make it through. I know he will.

I looked back at Marilyn who was also sitting staring blankly in front of her. I know she's probably feeling the same thing we're feeling because of her son Kyle but is it bad that I don't care? A part of me seriously hoped Kyle never left this hospital after what he did to Rayne.

The doctors told us that they were both in critical condition and had to have immediate surgery. The injuries that both of them sustained were life threatening and the doctors couldn't promise us that either of them would pull through.

I got up and started pacing. I don't know if I can take this. I needed Rayne to live. I needed him to be okay. Flashbacks of me holding him in my arms as he bled all over the floor race through my mind. Memories of holding his bloody hand as his eyes slowly started to close.

"I love you."

I felt my heartbeat quicken it's pace. I was seconds away from having a mental breakdown. Suddenly, I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw that it was Rayne's Dad smiling weakly at me.

"He's going to be okay. I know he will." He said. I nodded, not sure what to say.

I just needed a few minutes alone so I walked to the restroom and shut the door. I splashed some cold water on my face and looked in the mirror. I looked like shit. My hair was messy and sticking up everywhere, my eyes were bloodshot red and my skin was incredibly pale. I'd been sitting in that waiting room for hours.

I finally felt stable enough so I walked out just in time to see the doctor walk into the waiting room towards Rayne's father.

I rushed over. My heart began to beat so fast I thought it was going to rip out of my chest. The guy had a grim look on his face, as if he didn't want to say what he had to say next.

"Mr. Clearwater I'm sorry for your loss." He said looking Rayne's father straight in the eye. "We tried but the damage was too extensive. We-" The doctor looked away no longer able to keep his composure. "We couldn't save him."

Mr. Clearwater's legs gave out from under him and I grabbed the crumbling man around the waist to keep him from falling to the floor. I carefully guided him back to one of the plastic chairs where he lost it.

"My son- my son- is dead!?" He said in disbelief. Tears were streaming down his face. I felt my world falling apart. This couldn't be happening.

"He didn't deserve this! This is my fault! If I never would've let that bastard and his mother stay in my house-" Rayne's father put his head in his hands and wept. His cries made my chest hurt and I tried to comfort him but I could feel myself breaking. A tear streamed down my face.

The doctor just leaned against the wall and watched us sadly clearly drained from the events from today. This wasn't Mr. Clearwater's fault by any means. This was my fault. If I would've pushed Rayne to live with me more then he wouldn't have been around Kyle.

"Rayne was a good person. Why did this happen to him?" Rayne's father said through his sobs.

The doctor than got up from the wall alarmed. "Excuse me sir, did you just say Rayne Clearwater?"

"Yes. Rayne Clearwater is my son."

"I am so sorry for the misunderstanding." The doctor said looking extremely remorseful. "Rayne's surgery to repair the broken nerve and vein damage in his wrists were successful. Right now he's recovering in the ICU."

I looked at the doctor in shock. I didn't know if I wanted to punch him in the face or hug him. "Wait-so Rayne is alive?"

Mr. Clearwater asked hesitantly.

"Yes, sir." The doctor affirmed.

A hand went over his mouth and this time he was crying tears of joy. I was smiling so hard I thought my face would break.

"Wait a minute. If Rayne is alive, then who died?"

"Kyle Masterson. On his files his name is Kyle Clearwater. I guess it was legally changed after your marriage. So I'm assuming he was your stepson."

"Yes that's correct." Rayne's father said. "That woman over there is his mother." He said pointing over to where Marilyn sat still staring blankly at the wall. I actually felt bad for her. I mean her son turned out to be a whack job and now he's dead. She must be hurting right now.

"Okay, well I guess I should go tell her the bad news." The doctor said looking uneasy again. He either hated doing this or hadn't been doing this often.

"I'll go with you." Mr. Clearwater said standing up. "Someone should be with her. Although I hate what Kyle did, he was still her son and my stepson."

Mr. Clearwater was such an amazing person, now I saw where Rayne got his kindness from.

I don't know if I'd ever be the same after what he and I had just experienced. The thought of losing Rayne drove me absolutely insane and now that I know he's okay I feel a lot better but I don't think I'd be able to let him out of my sight for long periods of time anymore.

I watched as the doctor went over to Marilyn and told her the bad news. Her shriek of despair pierced my ears and echoed around the waiting room.

"NOOO!" She screamed. "NOT KYLE! NOT MY KYLE!" She fell to the ground and continued to wail. Mr. Clearwater and the doctor tried to comfort her but it didn't appear to be working. I found it physically painful to watch so I looked away.


After another five hours of waiting the doctor informed us that Rayne was awake and we could go visit him. Marilyn had been taken out of the waiting room to a grief counselor and to go discuss plans for her son's remains. That had to be horrible after just losing her son. But I pushed away the negative and focused on the important fact that Rayne was okay.

I was waiting outside of his hospital room while he talked to his father. As much as I wanted to barge in there and kiss Rayne until both of our lips were numb I knew Mr. Clearwater needed a moment with him so I waited patiently.

After another hour of painful waiting Mr. Clearwater came out. "He's waiting for you."

I practically ran into the room and shut the door behind me. I looked up at the hospital bed and saw Rayne sitting there propped up on some pillows staring at me with those big blue eyes of his.

His wrists were covered in thick bandages and he looked incredibly pale, probably from all of the blood loss but he was alive. Rayne was alive.

"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly his eyebrows scrunching together.

I laughed. I laughed so hard I thought I would fall over. He's the one in the ICU covered in bandages and he's asking me if I'm okay?

I walk over and get into the bed pulling him into my arms.

"I'm perfectly fine babe.' Then I leaned in pulling his lips to mine and kissed him with everything I have.

Sorry this chapter is so short guys. There is one more chapter after this and you should definitely stick around to read it. Thanks so much for all of the support. Your comments kept me motivated and I really appreciate all of my dedicated readers that stuck around even though my updates were probably excruciatingly slow. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! ;)


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