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Caleb sticks his arm out to shake my hand. I wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans before letting his long fingers wrap around my hand. My heart is beating so loudly against my chest. I pray that he can't hear it.

"Hi, my name is Caleb and I'll be showing you around school." He says in his deep, silky voice. It's like music to my ears.

Okay, maybe I'm just obsessed but Caleb is seriously the hottest guy I've ever laid my eyes on.  I quickly scribble my name into my notebook and show it to him.

He gives me a weird look. I guess they didn't fill him in on the fact that I don't speak. But he quickly changes his expression and gives me a big white toothed smile.

"Rayne Clearwater, huh? That's a very interesting name. I like it."

I smile back at him. I hope he doesn't notice that I'm blushing. Then reality hits me. I need to get ahold of myself. This guy is obviously not gay, and as hot as he is, he's probably not the least bit interested in me. He probably thinks I'm weird. Who would  ever want to date someone like me?

My smile faded. But Caleb didn't seem to notice.

Just then the nice secretary from before comes into the office.

"Now Caleb, I expect you to be on your best behavoir. You need to set a good example for Rayne. Please don't get him expelled on his first day." She says sternly.

"Lighten up Rosemary, I promise I won't get him expelled, maybe suspended, but not expelled."

I'm suddenly extremely nervous about having Caleb showing me around.

"It's Mrs. Holloway to you, and I'm serious Caleb. If you get him into the slightest bit of trouble, I'll kick your ass."

"I'm kidding! Jeez, is that anyway to talk to this school's best student?"

Mrs. Holloway rolls her eyes. "Best student my left butt cheek, don't forget that I've known you and your parents since you were a baby. I don't know how you became such a delinquent."

Caleb laughs, grabbing my sleeve and practically dragging me out of the office. "Come on Rayne, let's get away from the crazy woman."

"Don't forget that I know where you live!!' Mrs. Holloway screams from behind us.

We walk quickly down the crowded hallway until we reach a row of lockers. We stop at a locker labeled 133. 

"I know you probably don't have your textbooks yet, but here's your locker. And your first class is right there." He says, pointing to a classroom at the end of the hallway.

Just then, a girl with huge fake boobs and wavy dark brown hair walks up to us. "Hey baby!" She squeals jumping into Caleb's arms and planting a big wet kiss on his perfect soft looking lips.

I blush and look away feeling slightly jealous. I won't even try to deny that I wish I was the one kissing Caleb. But now that I know that he has a girlfriend proves 3 things; 1. He's straight. 2. I have no chance with him. and 3. That he has an extremely bad taste in chicks. 

After a minute of extreme face sucking, Caleb pulls away and introduces her to me.

"Hey Lindsay, this is Rayne, he's new here. Rayne, this is my hot girlfriend Lindsay."

Lindsay turns around and stares at me as if just realizing I've been standing here the entire time.

There's no denying that she's extremely pretty, but just by looking at her I could tell that she was either a total space cadet, or that she had zero to no personality. Okay, maybe I'm just being harsh because I wish I was the one sucking face with Caleb. But there was something that just rubbed me the wrong way about Lindsay. 

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