African queen by @maniac_lunaticbae

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You are beauty.

Gold is the colour of your skin which resembles the rays of the glistening morning light, engraved on your skin are the words of encouragement , your memories and your story.

You grace us with the honour of your smile which is breathtaking and forms from the curl of your lips which not only bless but strengthen the souls of the weak.

Your body is beyond perfection from every curve and edge placed on this temple carved by the greatest architect on this earth each solid brick laid with purpose.

Purity defines your heart, good willed and to others an angel sent from above; your words have the power to tame a nation, your loving nature has the ability to nurse those shattered by lifes collateral damage.

Just like a shooting star you're someone's wish, those that can't see the worth of you as beauty remain blinded, because across this galaxy you call home we can only marvel.

You're worth more than the words, more than worlds and galaxies combined, your reflection should remind you of your unfathomable worth and should you forget may the mirror break into millions of shards to represent your worth in every way possible.

May those who seek your downfall be reminded that you're a star your place is in the sky and you only rise and never fall.

Remember there's a light at the end of the tunnel and if you fail to see one you are the light.

_inspired by Tanyaradzwa Mashayamombe_

_inspired by Tanyaradzwa Mashayamombe_

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African queen by maniac_lunaticbae

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