Love-ly Surprises by @Caramelly_yours

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Sanya Arora.

Twelve years ago, she was proudly shipped off to the States from India for her undergraduate studies in Nanophysics—the one thing she was very passionate about in her life—and her parents were enormously proud about it that they couldn't stop mentioning it to everyone. It was a big deal, you know. An Indian girl getting a scholarship in the US and being invited to study in a prestigious University. She found everything in her dream city— the food and places she thought she would only see on television, the rhythmic buzz of the cities, new friendships, and most important of all, love.

But she made a mistake. An accident.

Now, Sanya is a divorced single mother of two kids, settled away from the crackling noise of the cities, in the almost-quietness of Cooperstown. She is a college-dropout, a shameless woman and a disgrace in the eyes of her family back in India, who cut off all ties with her when she needed them the most. She works two jobs a day, somedays even three, and gets paid just enough to raise two kids decently. After losing her family, her dream of reaching heights in Nanophysics, and a husband she was crazy in love with, Sanya feels immune to the scars of life. She is quite satisfied with the way her current life is programmed. She is like the gear box to her small family; if she breaks down, her kids do as well. Sanya Arora is always running. She has to.

Clack. Clack. Clack.

"That would be ninety-eight dollars and forty cents," Sanya presses the enter button on the computer and the little machine spits out the bill with a strained cough. The lady fishes the money out of her wallet and places it on the counter. Counting the bills swiftly and stashing it in the drawer, she passes the change back to the lady.

"Thank you!" Sanya smiles brightly to which the lady doesn't respond. With a sigh, she turns to the next customer in line.

For a person who has worked in the supermarket for eight months, Sanya notices an unusually high purchase of fancy chocolates, scented candles and gift cards. She wonders if it is some occasion but just shrugs it off, dismissing it as a weird coincidence. She continues to tap away on her computer until her shift meets its end.

Sanya hands over the counter to her friend Willow and then presses a chaste kiss on her cheek as a goodbye. As soon as she exits the supermarket, she rushes to catch the bus and takes a seat in the one closest to the exit.

Her phone rings.

"Mom, where are you?" Chrysanth asks, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"I am so sorry, baby. Willow came in late today and I had to work extra. I'll be there in ten, okay?" She says, looking at her watch. "Has Tara done her homework?"

"Yes, Mom. Everything is okay here. We just need you to come soon!" He exclaims and this brings a smile onto her face as she hangs up. Sanya was ordered to come home early so she exchanged today's night shift at the bar with the cashier job at the supermarket. Sanya had somehow managed to make a profiting deal with both the bar manager and the supermarket owner, allowing her to work on alternative days.

She keeps the job at the bar a secret from her children, excusing it as a part of her day job. Sanya works as the carer for a special kid in the mornings. The Fresons paid her handsomely for the job since their son is very fond of her. To be honest, she likes stacking building blocks and goofing around with him a lot more than billing products and serving drinks.

Stepping into the familiar neighborhood, she navigates through the brightly lit houses, catching the faint choruses of laughter and muffled noises of the television on the way. Before she could step into her front yard, she pauses to look at the house across hers. It looks like a gloomy oddball stuck between bright houses, with its shoulders slumped as darkness looms over it. The right room is always dimly lit during the evenings but today, it's off.

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