Albus was took to surprise by this; he didn't really expect his father to easily forgive him like that.

I don't deserve to be forgiven, a part of Albus told him, he doesn't love you.

No, he's your dad, his love for you is unfailing, Al, his conscience quietly told him.

"Hello, father." said Scorpius nervously, in his mind he was thinking that his father wouldn't even dare to give him warm hugs and kisses or even ask if he's alright.

"Son, come here, I won't make you feel left out," Draco said in a muffled voice. "Don't worry, I'll tell your mother that you're all okay."

"Bloody hell!" the past and present Ron said in unison as they examined each other.

"My god, this is so weird." said the Harry from the past, checking his older counter-part.

"I know right. It makes me wanna be young again." the present Harry said grinning.

"Fred?" Ginny asked, glancing at Fred.

"It is I!"

Ginny and Ron immediately ran towards their brother and gave him a hug. The youngest Weasley siblings began to cry, remembering the moment Fred's body was laid on the stretcher during the armstice on Battle of Hogwarts; they remembered the sleepless nights they all had after he passed away, which affected their family deeply most especially George.

"It's okay. I'm not dead yet."

"We missed you terribly." Ron cried.

"Nothing could comfort us when you left." said Ginny.

Hermione then gave Victoire, Dominique, Louis, Roxanne and Freddie each a hug and told them how worried their parents were back home.

"Does my eyes really have circles like that in the future?" the past Hermione pondered.

"Well, the perks of being the Minister of Magic," said the present Hermione, chuckling. "Anyways, I know this must be a litte strange for you all —"

"Yes, really weird." said Fred.

"But not a hundred percent weird." George continued.

"I know, because Harry and I felt the same way too when we were in our third year and we couldn't be seen by ourselves!"

"So, the time turner is fixed then?" Louis asked.

"Er no," Draco said, his eyes fixed om Hermione's. "I think Hermione and I are expecting it to be fixed by the end of the week. We just came here to give it a try."

"So, you guys are not staying then?" Teddy asked.

"I'm sorry Ted, we'll be back soon though. I promise." said Harry.

"But we can come back home now, right?" Victoire asked.

Hermione nodded; everyone sighed in relief.

"Can we go with you? In the future?" Fred said willingly. "I wanna see Georgie!"
George agreed with Fred.

The adults gave each other sad looks.

Albus Don't you Dare!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora