Before You Go

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Hermione POV
We fell into a daily routine at Grimuald Place. After completely cleaning the building I started making my own adjustments. I added some of my books to the library and helped Draco set up a potion station in an extra room. There was one thing missing. The Weasleys. I missed the twin's jokes and Molly's home cooked meals. I hadn't gone back since I originally left with Draco. I knew I needed to fix things.
"Dear Fred,
We need to talk. Please come to Grimuald Place as soon as you can. I await your visit
I scribbled down the quick letter and sent it with Draco's owl. While waiting I went to see what Draco was doing. As I entered the spare room I see his back as he leans over a cauldron. As I make my way around the table I see some hair falling into his eyes and his untucked shirt. "What are you working on?" I ask while looking down into the dark pot. I see a dark maroon liquid that seems familiar in a strange way. Billows of steam rise slowly and I realize what it is.
"Amortentia?" As I look down into the cauldron I remember when we brewed it sixth year. The pearlescent surface shimmers as he slowly stirs it.
"Yes. While looking through my old things I wanted to see how many potions I could remember from school. It seems this one has stuck with me the most." He trails off and takes a deep breath. It's obvious he has been in here a while with the potion. His eyes are shut and he takes multiple deep breaths before opening them again. When they do I see they are increasingly dark. I have been exposed more often so it's affects aren't as strong on me. However that doesn't mean I'm immune. I have no idea how he has been in here for so long. Draco needs a break soon or he's going to snap.
"We should take a break for a while. Get some fresh air then you can come back to this." I whisper while taking in his tense shoulders and clenched jaw. His eyes bore into mine and he tears his gaze away.
"Yes of course. But first I have a question." His gaze meets mine again and his eyes darken slightly. I feel the potion getting stronger and know we need to leave this room quickly.
"What's the question?" I look back down at the pot and watch the swirling come to a stop.
"What do you smell?" My eyes shoot up to his in a silent plea to drop the subject. From the look in his eyes I could tell he wouldn't give up that easily. My eyes drifted shut and I took in a deep breath. My senses were assaulted with the mix of scents and it took a minute to sort them out.
"I smell mint. Not like the artificial stuff but straight off the plant. Then books. I'm not sure how to explain it. Vanilla and a mix of musk. Finally, and this is a weird one, green apples?" I conclude and look at his reaction. His face visibly pales and he avoids eye contact. To try and change the subject I ask what he smells. His demeanor immediately shifts as he remembers the intoxicating smell. I see him take a large breath and hold it for a moment.
"I smell books. Exactly how you described it. I smell a hint of pine though. I guess then there's rain. I wasn't any good but there was something always fun about playing quidditch in the rain. Finally rose mixed with vanilla. Like a perfume or something." He mumbled as if drifting off in thought. I could see the thoughts swirling behind his eyes as they focused on the dark fluid. I could see his eyes darkening again so I decided the time for chatting was over.
"How about tea?"
It wasn't long after we left the room that I heard the knock at the door. After previously informing Draco of my invitation he waited for me to open the door. As I unlocked the handle and swung it open I saw Fred. He looked a lot more put together than the last time I saw him. His hair was done and I could tell that he had gotten some sleep. I opened the door wider for him and he quietly stepped through. Draco stood silently on the stairs but with a quick nod he retreated up them. We walked to the sitting area and took a seat on the couch.
"How have you been?" His eyes meet mine for a second before darting somewhere else. I ponder his question for a moment before responding.
"Good. I've fixed the library here. It's small of course but I love going in there for hours. Draco set up a potion room in one of the spares. I imagine he's there now." I drift off as I avoid that topic. I know Fred still has mixed feelings about him. We sit in silence another moment before I break it.
"Fred I don't know how I could ever explain how sorry I am about how our friendship turned out. After loosing Ron I couldn't figure out what to do with myself. I'm still dealing with that grief and trying to handle it. To be honest you caught me off guard and I didn't even know you felt that way about me. These past few months I have just been trying to live life normally and continue where I left off. But there is no way to do that. There is a hole in my chest that will always be there. Ron has been one of my best friends almost my whole life and I'm not sure how to live without him. You already know we loved each other more than friends which makes it even more complicated. I'm constantly wondering how my life would look right now if he was here. While I'm slowly healing it's still hard to even say his name." I pause and I feel the tears rolling down my cheek. I look up to see tears in his eyes as well.
"I know it was immature to leave the burrow like that but just being there reminded me of him. I could almost hear his voice and I could still see his things around the house. Your confession just struck a sensitive nerve and I needed time. I couldn't even process how I was feeling without trying to please and comfort others. This time away has really let me focus on what I need and I have realized that I need to stay here for a while. I can visit but it will be a long time before I stay at that house again. It brings back too many memories." I finish with a huff. I look down at the table and try to focus on the wood instead of the ginger next to me. As I wait for a response I can only imagine Molly's reaction to my distance.
"I completely understand. I could not have picked a worse time to drop something like that on you and I am so sorry. I was so caught up in my own feelings that I didn't even pause to imagine yours." He pauses to face me and I meet his eyes cautiously. He runs a hand through his hair and lowers it back into his lap. His hands start to twist and fidget as he looks down at them.
"I can't even imagine what Ron would do right now. I'm sure for starters he would knock me on my arse for even looking at you that way. George and I would have to prank him for months to make that up." He days with a sad chuckle.
"But honestly I have no idea what you've been through. He may have been my brother but you two had a real connection. I know you need time to heal but we all have missed you so much. My mum wouldn't stop yelling at me after hearing what happened. Now I'm glad she did. And it was entirely wrong of me to show up here demanding to be let in. As much as I can't stand Malfoy he did good for keeping me out. If anyone had tried to pull something like that on you I would have hexed them into oblivion. My behavior on all accounts was completely unacceptable and I have no idea how you will ever forgive me." He fidgeted uncomfortably and stared down at his shoes. I reached my hand over and gently grabbed his arm. His eyes met mine and I could see the tears around his lashes.
"Fred of course I forgive you. I know you were having a really hard time too. Ron was your baby brother. Of course that would cause you to act different. While your behavior was borderline insane I understand your need for someone to be there for you." I chuckle then continue.
"I'll make sure to visit soon so molly won't give you a hard time. I miss all of you as well. It has been hard to be away but it was for the best. Draco has surprisingly been a good roommate." I finish with a slight huff. He looks back at the mention of Draco. "So how is the weasel anyway? Has he been nice or do I need to go hex him?" His eyebrows furrow together and his mouth turns down slightly.
"Surprisingly he has been the complete opposite of when we were in school. It's like he's a whole different person." I pause as the thought of his scars enter my mind. I quickly brush them aside.
"I don't know how to explain it if I am entirely honest. He has been kind and funny. Draco has been my number one supporter which is strange to even say. He seems to know whenever I need space or just someone to sit with so I don't feel alone. I haven't been able to find my parents yet. I haven't really had time. I'm planning on going next week to try and reverse the spell." I tug at the end of my shirt and worry how they will react once their memories are restored. He turns to me quickly.
"What happened to your parents?" He asks quite loudly. Oh. I've forgotten to tell anyone besides Harry what happened to them.
"When muggleborn's parents were being killed left and right I really feared for their safety. Especially since I was so close to Harry. So I obliviated them and sent them to Australia. That way they would be safe and not come looking for me. I'm positive I can reverse the spell. It's just locating them that will be difficult." I remember I wrote down the address of their new house before leaving them and pray they are still there. Before I can say anything else I am pulled into a hug and quickly return it. As I rest my head on Fred's chest I smell gunpowder and sweets. I slowly pull away and wipe my eyes again. For a while he tells me about new projects him and George are working on. He mentions soundless fireworks for people who are still sound sensitive and calming candies for people with anxiety. I'm actually surprised on how mature him and George are being and their business seems to be flourishing. As we finish talking I lead him to the door and bid him goodbye. As soon as the door shuts I hear sprinting in the upstairs hallway and Draco only stops when he's halfway down the stairs. He continues down them at a steady pace and ends up right next to me. I see his eyes scanning me to make sure I'm okay and feel warmth knowing he was worried about me. We head to the sitting area so I can explain the visit.
Hey guys!!!! Ik it's been a while but I'm back. Kinda taking a different turn but we will see how it turns out!

A Blinding Light (A Fred and Hermione love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora