Why are you here?

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Third person POV
When Molly opened the door she saw someone she would never expect to see at the burrow. "Mr. Malfoy what are you doing here?" She asked. Before he could answer Fred came in the room and pushed Draco against the wall before George could grab him. "What are you doing here? Did you decide you wanted to kidnap Hermione again you little weasel!" Fred spat. While trying to get Freds arm off his chest to breath he squeaked out " I came to warn you all" he said as everyone else entered the room. "Why are you warning us" Hermione asked. As soon as they heard her voice both boys looked in her direction with the same glimmer of hope in their eyes. "My father wants revenge for Harry killing v-v-Voldemort" he stuttered. "He plans to come here in the middle of the night when he expects you all to be sleeping" he said in a hushed voice. "We all need to leave everyone go pack what you need. Quickly now, hurry!" Mrs. Weasley said quite loud. Everyone ran up the stairs as they quickly grabbed their trunks and threw everything they could fit in them. As everyone ran down the stairs the entire group apparated to 12 Grimmauld Place. As they quickly walked inside they hurried so they wouldn't be seen by muggles. "We should take shifts watching for anything suspicious" Hermione stated. " I agree.... but why is the ferret still here?" Fred asked. "We can't let him go and tell his family where we are even if he did help us he could be a spy" Mr. Weasley said. "If I were a spy then why wouldn't I have tried to leave yet?" Draco asked. "He's got a point. We should all get some rest who wants to watch first?" Hermione asked. "I will take first shift with George then we will wake Ginny and Harry up." Fred said. "Okay then let's all go to sleep....mind if I slytherin?" Draco said with a smirk towards Hermione. "In your dreams" she said while rolling her eyes. "Better keep your hands to yourself ferret" Fred said while giving him a dirty look. "Oh don't worry weasel I wouldn't hurt a hair on her head. Now if you don't mind I am going to bed." Draco said with a wink at Hermione before walking up the stairs. "I don't like that guy" Fred said as he watched Draco walk away. "Let's just go to bed before anyone starts a fight. Goodnight everyone" Hermione said as she started to walk up the stairs. She heard a chorus of good nights as she walked up the stairs and everyone slowly went to sleep.

Thank you guys sooo much for reading!!!! Please comment ideas and any suggestions😊

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