A rough nights sleep

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Hermione pov
To anyone who is sensitive to kinda dark material don't read this...
Even though it was expected I never really knew when the nightmares would start. As I lay in one of the many bedrooms I couldn't quite figure out what was happening. As I slowly drifted off it started as a wonderful dream. I was in my eleven year old body watching my first year all over again. Before it my second and third year had flown by and I was already in fourth year. I was watching the final task of the triwizard tournament and even though I knew what would happen I couldn't quite get my body to move. As I watched the maize waiting for Harry and Cedric to come back I could feel my anxiety rising. As soon as they appeared I heard the screams erupt and it jumped to the next year. It felt like a never ending world of loss that I had to relive. I slowly watched umbridges rain of terror along with Fred and George's amazing fireworks. It finally got to one of the moments I was dreading. It slowly faded into Malfoy Manor where I felt all the pain I remembered and more as Bellatrix carved the word I hated most into my arm. I know it broke Harry and Rons hearts listening to my screams but I couldn't hold them in. It didn't even feel like a nightmare anymore as I could feel my skin crawling. Finally I saw myself at the place I know I couldn't bear. I looked around and saw death eaters swarming Hogwarts. It killed me inside as I knew what was going to happen next. I looked over and saw Fred fighting the one that did it. I tried to close my eyes but no matter how hard I squeezed them there was no way to avoid watching this happen. As I heard the spell leave their mouth and watched the green light hit Ron I screamed much more than I remember. As I continued screaming and crying I couldn't escape this horrible moment that I will never forget no matter how hard I try. As I lay in bed sobbing unable to open my eyes I heard footsteps that seemed so far away and a door slam open.

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