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Draco POV
As we apparate to Grimuald place everything is a blur until we reach steady ground. After regaining her balance Hermione steps away from me and releases my hand. She quickly walks toward the house and I trail behind.
"Hermione what is going on? Can you please slow down and talk to me?" I say as I jog to catch up.
"I'd rather not talk about it right now" she says as she opens the door and strides inside.
"Granger!" I yell and finally she stops. She slowly turns to me and I see why she was trying to get away from me. Her eyes are burning red and there are tears streaming down her face.
"I'm sorry. I should have known." I say as I take slow steps toward her. I gently reach out to make sure she doesn't flinch away. When she still doesn't move I engulf her in a hug. As she sobs into my shoulder I understand what happened. Not to the full extent but her and the weasel must have gotten into an argument. I can tell exhaustion is setting in as she starts sagging to the floor. I hook my right arm I get her legs and carry her up the stairs. With her hands grasping my shirt and her tears spilling through it I realize all she has been through. The great Hermione Granger is a broken child like the rest of us. I carefully open a bedroom door and step inside. As her stiff fingers slowly release my crinkled shirt I lay her down on the bed.
"Do you want anything Hermione?" I ask softly. Still not being able to speak she shakes her head no. As tears still stream down her cheeks I nod my head and leave. As I close the door behind me I see Kreacher arrive.
"What is a mudblood doing here?" He spits.
"You watch your tone. She may be a Muggle born but she is still in charge of you. It is your job to serve and it would do you good to remember that" I said venomously.
"Yes sir" he said shuffling away.
I walked down the stairs contemplating what to do. Even though this place was owned by the blacks I never felt comfortable here. As a child I always thought they were cruel and cold but look how I turned out. As I wander into the kitchen I put on some water to boil for tea. I sit staring at the table until I hear the screech telling me it's ready. I pour a cup and carefully carry it upstairs. When I arrive at her door and knock there is no response. I crack the door and peek inside to see her facing the wall.
"Hermione? I know you probably want to be alone right now but I brought you some tea..... I'm going to leave it on the nightstand in case you want it. I'll be downstairs if you need anything." I say as I set the cup on the table. As I walk out of the room I hear quiet sniffling and I shut the door. After sitting at the fireplace for eternity I remember there is a library somewhere here. As I wander around I eventually find it while trying to avoid Kreacher. The small room has books overflowing off the shelves and onto the floor. After finding a few intriguing books I settle on a couch in the living room. With the flick of my wand I light the fire.
"Kreacher? Where are you?" As if on cue he appeared in front of me.
"You called sir?" He asked impatiently.
"Yes I need you to please retrieve some things from Malfoy manor for me. For your best interest I suggest you stay unseen as our last house elf was stabbed by my aunt." I say begrudgingly.
"Yes of course sir." He says as he creeps away to the apparation point. As I wait for him to return I start reading the first book. By time he returns I am several chapters in and grateful for the clean clothes. As the trunk is carried upstairs I pick a room several doors away from Hermione's to give her some space. After unpacking I take a shower to clear my mind. I change into some jeans and a black jumper with a white collared shirt underneath. Although we rarely came here one thing I could remember was how cold it was. Continuing the book I was reading on the couch, I realized it was around 5:30.
"Kreacher?" He popped up several feet away looking annoyed.
"What do you need sir?" He asked uninterested.
"Start dinner please I would like to eat around 7." I say as he turns and walks away. After drinking some tea and reading more Kreacher informs me dinner is ready. I take my dinner into my room and knock on Hermione's door. Once again there is no response so I open the door. She is no longer facing the wall which is a good sign. As I switch out the tea with some food I notice the cup is empty.
"I'll have Kreacher bring you some water with your food." I say turning towards the door.
"Please don't. I don't want to hear him whisper mudblood under his breath. Usually I can take it..... just not today." She says quietly.
"Of course. I'm sorry I'll bring you some." I say and almost make it to the door.
"No I'll get it. Thank you Draco. For everything. But it's time I get out of bed." She says brushing past me and walking downstairs. As I enter my room to eat my dinner I leave the door open in case she needs me. After not hearing anything for a while I decide to try and sleep.
Hermione POVl
After arriving back at my room I lay down for bed and slowly drift off. When I wake up in the morning I get dressed and walk downstairs. As I arrive at the kitchen Draco is sitting in jeans and a grey jumper. As he reads his hair falls into his eyes and he huffs it away. I take a seat across from him with my breakfast and dig in.
"Good morning" he says without looking up at me. I can tell he hasn't been up long because his voice is slightly raspy.
"Good morning. How are you?" I ask as I pour myself some tea.
"I feel like I should be the one asking you that." He says finally looking up and closing his book.
"I know you want an explanation and you deserve one I'm just..." I start to say when he cuts me off.
"Hermione I don't need an explanation and at this point I don't even deserve you talking to me. Out of all the people in that house I am honestly surprised you even thought of taking me with you." I say staring into her eyes.
"Draco you did what you had to survive. No one can blame you for that. And you do deserve an explanation but I'm just not exactly ready. And I knew you were the only person who would give me the space I needed. I love everyone in that house but they don't respect boundaries." I laugh quietly to myself.
"I had Kreacher bring some of my things yesterday. I was thinking we could quickly go pick up some of your things as to not be spotted." He said calmly.
"That would be great. Since for now I have to move out of my house temporarily it would be nice to have my things here." I respond while sipping my tea.
"If you don't mind I would like to stay here too. As far as my father is concerned I am a traitor so I can't go home. And if your concerned you can pretend I'm not even here.." I abruptly cut him off.
"Draco of course you can stay. I don't mind at all. Your company has greatly improved since we were in school." I say with a small giggle. He visibly looks relieved and goes back to reading his book. It's nice sitting in silence knowing I don't have to fill it.
Hello readers! It has been a while but here ya go. I honestly don't know where this story is going but I guess we'll see!😂

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