Falling all in you

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Fred's pov
I'm not sure what time it is but as I slowly wake up I see bright flashing lights. I start to roll over until I realize someone is laying next to me. I look down to see Hermione laying on my chest asleep. She lets out cutely quiet snores as she sleeps. As I look up George is standing there with a camera giggling silently as to not wake up the sleeping tiger next to me. Knowing I won't get up and wake Hermione to chase after him he slowly walks out of the room grinning like the cat from that weird movie Hermione showed me with the blonde little girl. I try to relax so I don't wake her until George walks back in with a magical picture of Hermione and I. It shows me opening my eyes and giving him a dirty look. George bursts out in a fit of giggles and wakes Hermione in the process. He quickly hides the photo behind his back. "What's going on?" Hermione asks as she rubs her eyes. As she realizes she is laying on me she quickly sits up and turns as red as my hair. As George and I chuckle she sees the picture and quickly jumps out of bed. "George give me that picture right now!" She says before lunging on him. As we both chase him down the stairs we trip and tumble down. When we land I am on top of her and it is my turn to go red. As I prop myself up on my arms I realize she is staring at me in a way I have never seen before. It's almost like the face she makes when she reads a part in a book she can't figure out or a puzzle she couldn't seem to solve. She slowly reaches up and pushes my hair out of my eyes. As I slowly lean down I hear a voice clearing next to us. Startled I quickly get up and help her. As we both walk to the kitchen I can't help but hear George whistle two love birds sitting in a tree and in return punch him in the shoulder. With breakfast already made thanks to mum we quickly sit down and I see Malfoy sit next to Mione. I can't stand the weasel but she greets him pleasantly so I keep my mouth shut.

Hey peeps please comment ideas and vote. Sorry I update so crazy just been busy. Summer is coming in a month so hopefully then I will get to publish more!

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