The hole punched in my chest

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Fred's Pov

I miss Ron so much. I just wish he was here. I am so confused on how I am feeling. I see Hermione and it feels like the hole that Ron left is slowly healing. But she was his girlfriend and she loved him so much. When I saw her hugging Harry I just got so mad. Was I jealous. Yes because it makes sense for someone to be jealous of the guy that just found out his best friend is dead. I leave the Great Hall and walk around the castle to clear my head. As I am walking I realize that the wizards were not the only people effected by the war. Everywhere I look I see house elves cleaning and repairing the castle. I round the corner and find a quiet hallway that hasn't been disturbed. I collapse on the ground and start to cry. I can't believe he's gone. As I am sobbing I hear someone approaching me. When I look up I see Hermione. She sits down next to me and tries to make me feel better. "Are you okay?" She asks. "It's my fault, if it weren't for me Ron would be alive and I would be dead. He should have lived and I should have died. If he wasn't so bloody thick in the head then he wouldn't have done that. I miss him so much." I start sobbing again and I just can't help that I know it should have been me instead of him. "It wasn't your fault. Ron made his choice when he saved you. Now you can either continue to cry here and I will be here with you or we can go get something to eat." She said. "I am a little hungry." I say. "Okay lets go to the Great hall." She says. We get up and start to walk to the a Great Hall. As we are walking we talk about our favorite things about Ron. "My favorite thing about him was how George and I could always get under his skin. One time we pranked him so bad we got grounded for two months." I say while laughing. "My favorite thing about him was his courage. He always stood up for his friends and what he believed in no matter what. He never lost sight of what was importaint to him. He never gave up unless it was in homework." She says between giggles. We finally arrive to the big doors that use to bring us joy and the wonderful smells of food. Now we have no idea what may be behind them. We slowly open the large doors and are shocked at what we see.

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