Truth hurts

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Fred POV
As I pace around the family room I can't stop worrying about Hermione. I haven't seen her in a day or two and when I went to her house I couldn't find her anywhere. There was no sign that she had been there for several hours when I arrived. I received the letter telling me not to worry but I still couldn't help but wonder where she was. I decided that a hot cup of tea might help me calm down so I went into the kitchen. As I walked in I see Hermione slowly getting up of the ground. "Hermione" I say as I quickly pull her into a hug. "Where were you I..., I mean we have been worried sick about you. I went to your house to look for you but..." "I am ok I was taken to the Malfoy manor but Draco helped me escape." "The ferret helped you?" I asked. I lead her over to the table and had her sit down while I poured her a cup of tea from the already hot kettle. "Yes apparently he has liked me since first year." She says and as I look at her face I realize she doesn't return his feelings. "So I am guessing by the scowl on your face you don't like him like that?" I ask. "Of course not I love.....well loved Ron." She blurts out and by the look on her face I can tell I've struck a sensitive cord. "Oh... ok well I am going to go tell everyone that you are back." I say and realize it could never be me that she fancied. As I walk into the living room I mum asks who I was talking to. "Hermione is in our kitchen... I am going to my room." As I walk to George and I's room I hear him following after me. "Fred, what's wrong." He asks. "I am a terrible person." I say as I sit down on my bed. "I fancy someone and man she loved died during the war. I am a horrible brother I should be worried about the fact that our little brother is dead." I say ask my eyes start to water. "I bet I can guess who it is. I have known who you have liked since I first saw you look at her. You may have dated other girls but I have always seen who you are really staring at as she is sitting in the dining hall several seats down or who makes you always go red with jealousy when you see another boy talking to her. I have always seen how your eyes light up when you talk to her. It has always been Hermione since second year and she walked into the great hall. I will never forget the look on your face when you first saw her. It was like if you had seen who you were meant to be with." He says. "And don't think so quickly that person isn't you. I have seen the way she looks at you too. When we entered our names into the goblet of fire you could see she was so happy to prove you wrong but she also was worried sick about you when you shot back into the air. And when you came up looking like a old man she was the only person not laughing because what I saw in her eyes for the first time was fear. She was scared that you had been hurt." "I don't know Georgie I think I love her and I have no clue how to tell her." I respond. "You should tell her no matter what happens. But I have to go do tell me you make your decision". He says and walks out the room.

A Blinding Light (A Fred and Hermione love story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu