The Last Dance

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After I signed the papers to the house, it was officially mine. The man who helped me sign, Mr, Henry, took the papers once I signed them. I lead him to the front door and thanked him watching him leave. Stefan and Damon stepped up to the door and immediately stopped at the invisible force.

"I'm so sorry, I completely forgot. Stefan, would you like to come inside my house?" I asked with a smile and Stefan smirked at Damon before looking at me.

"I would love to, thank you," he smiled and stepped inside.

"What are we, 12?" Damon asked and I bit my lip trying not to laugh.

"One of us is, yeah. You have to promise to obey my orders if I let you in the house," I told Damon making him roll his eyes. He looked to Stefan for help but Stefan just shook his head.

"No," Damon said and I shrugged.

"Okay then, bye," I went to close the door but he stepped forward hitting the invisible force.

"Fine, Tessa, sure," he agreed and I smiled opening the door wider.

"Then please, come in," I told Damon and he rolled his eyes stepping inside the house. Bonnie came in from the other room from where she was with me signing the papers, she held my bag and jacket. She handed them to me.

"Where are you going?" Stefan asked.


"No no no, we didn't create a safe house for you to leave it," Damon said making me roll my eyes at him.

"I agree with him, Klaus is out there. We know that," Stefan added.

"Right but where? No one knows. Look I really appreciate what you guys are doing but I'm not going to be a prisoner," I explained making them both look at each other. Damon then looked at me.

"Your orders, Tessa," he mocked.

"It's okay, I'm ready. If he shows his face I can take him," Bonnie pitched in.

"The way I see it, next to Bonnie is the safest place I can be," I smiled at them before leading Bonnie to the front door.

"Wait, I'm coming," Stefan sighed following behind us.


Once we got to school we all went to our same first period class. And on the way I picked up a flyer for the decade dance and sat at my desk. I caught Stefan's attention and waved the flyer at him and he shook his head. I rolled my eyes and pouted but then turned to Bonnie showing her it. She saw it and smiled while nodding. I looked back at Stefan and smiled in victory making him roll his eyes annoyed by me. If I want to go to the dance, I will go to the dance. I know that's not playing it safe but I want to enjoy life, not be trapped in the house doing nothing.

"Hello, class," Alaric walked in clearing his throat to get students attention. "What are we learning today..." he trailed off looking through his journal on his desk.

"With the decade dance tonight, we've been covering the sixties all week," a girl named Tiffany said from the front row.

"Right, the sixties," he trailed off when he looked straight at me. I furrowed my eyebrows as he stared into my eyes. He cleared his throat again and picked up a piece of chalk from the sideboard. "I wish there was something good I could say about the sixties. But they kind of sucked, except for the Beatles of course," he started writing the 60's on the board. "They made it bearable. Uh, what else was there? The missile thing, we walked on the moon. There was the watergate..."

"Watergate was in the seventies," I spoke up making everyone look at me. Including Alaric.

"Right, thank you, Tessa," he said staring deep into my eyes. He was acting very weird today.

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