Founder's Day

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"Ow, this dress hurts," I groaned pulling at the stupid dress that was pushing in hurting my internal organs.

"Suck it in, baby. It won't be long that you have to wear this thing," she reminded and I sighed. She was right but I still hated the feeling of this thing. How did they do it back then? Wear corsets and have to suck in all the time. It definitely hurts and honestly it's not cute at all.

"Thanks for the help, Aunt Jenna," I smiled at her through the mirror and she did the same.

"You're so welcome, but you better hurry, you're gonna be late," she added making me roll my eyes.

"Thanks for reminding me," I groaned again pushing my curled blonde hair out of my face. I slipped on the last touches of bracelets on my wrists and left the house.

Once I got to the school it was loud and crowded as hell. I didn't think the founders day parade was interesting enough for this many people to come. Great, now everyone can see me in this hideous dress. You know, I wouldn't mind it much if it wasn't so tight and uncomfortable. I hopped out of the car and set the keys inside locking it behind me. I had an extra key in my dress so I wouldn't get locked out. Now, where the hell is Stefan? I fixed my necklace and looked around the people covered area.

Students were rushing around the yard to help finish the floats, and teachers were stressing out. I stepped over a little hill and looked around the courtyard before finally laying my eyes on him. Stefan was standing there with Damon and they were both already staring at me. Wow, is this dress as hideous as I thought? They both had a certain look in their eyes but I couldn't detect it. I smiled at both of them and took the edge of my dress in my fingers bowing at them.

"Wow, you look-" Damon started but got interrupted.

"Beautiful," Stefan finished walking towards me.

"Thank you kind sir. I uh, is that how they sounded?" I laughed as Stefan did too at my attempt of the accent.

"It could use some work," he smiled at me.

"Thanks for the tip," I added and his smile faded as he grabbed my hands.

"I'll just- go," Damon said pointing away and following where he pointed leaving Stefan and I alone.

"Listen, I have something to tell you. I think I might know who your real father could be," he said making my smile fade as well.

"What? Who?"

"Your 'uncle' John,"

"John? Is that even possible?" I stuttered.

"Well, there's no proof, but he dated Isobel when she was a teenager, and he was the one who brought her to your dads office for delivery," Stefan looked into my eyes.

"My whole life, I've never liked this man,"

"I'm sorry. I just, wanted to tell you before Damon dropped it on you in some typically inappropriate way," he added making me nod after running my hands through my hair.

"No, I'm glad you told me. I just, I really hope that is not true. What am I supposed to do? Do I just confront him and say, 'are you my biological father?" Stefan shrugged at my words.

"I guess when you're ready,"

"I'm never gonna be ready. Stefan, I have enough problems with the family I actually care about. Elena left me, us. And Jeremy hates me? Why wouldn't he? My journal gave him every reason to,"

"He's just hurt and confused," he said squeezing my hands.

"He's never gonna forgive me for Vicki. For taking away his memory, for lying to him,"

Her➳ Damon SalvatoreTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang