Memory Lane

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I opened my eyes when I felt the sun burning onto them making me groan. I just wanted to roll back on my bed and go to sleep. Sleeping forever sounds like heaven. I sighed and ripped the blankets off of me and got out of bed. I had nothing to do today so I just thought about going to the grill and drawing. I took a shower and got dressed into a pair of jean shorts and a band tee. I did light make-up as usual and straightened my hair after blow drying it. I walked into Jeremy's room ripping his blankets off of him.

"You have work, this is literally the last time I'm going to wake you up for it. You can end up getting fired," I joked and he groaned rolling over onto his side shoving his face in his pillow. I went downstairs and grabbed my bag putting my drawing supplies in it.

"Good morning, Tessa. Are you okay? Last night you seemed upset," Jenna frowned pouring coffee in a mug for Alaric that sat at the table. There was breakfast already covering the table and damn it smelt amazing.

"Yes. A rough night last night, that's all. I'm okay now," I smiled sitting down at the table grabbing a plate from Jenna.

"Did you wake Jeremy up? He has work, he's not going to want to be late," she said sitting down next to me.

"I did, I hope he didn't fall back asleep-"

"Morning family," Jeremy interrupted me. He grabbed a piece of toast and a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Wanna ride with me? I'm going to the grill too," I said to him and he just shook his head.

"No, I'll be good. Gotta go," he took another piece of toast before leaving the house. I shrugged and took the last bites of eggs that was on my plate.

"Thanks for the food," I told her.

"We are having a barbecue later, so come back soon," Jenna smiled and I nodded before running to my car after grabbing my bag.

I got to the grill 5 minutes later and went inside sitting at an empty two person table. I opened my leather bag and pulled out my sketchbook and pencils. I opened to the last page that I had been working on. It was a very detailed rose. I was almost done with it too. I went to put my pencil down on the paper to begin drawing but I looked up and jumped. My pencil went off the paper making a mark. Damon was sitting there staring at me.

"Damn it, Damon. You made me mess up. What do you want?" I groaned trying to erase the mark he made me make on the paper.

"So this is where you spend your time when you're not stabbing people in the back," he shrugged looking around the restaurant. I sighed and set the pencil down.

"I tricked you into telling me the truth. That's not stabbing you in the back, that's using your own tactics against you," I sighed. I literally just got here and I don't want to deal with Damon. I closed my sketchbook and put it in my bag.

"Where are you going?"

"I made myself clear Damon. I want nothing to do with you," I said picking my bag up and putting it on my shoulder.

"Okay, see you at Jenna's barbecue," he added making me stop and turn back towards him.

"How'd you know about the barbecue?" I asked.

"It was my idea. Jenna went to high school with Mason Lockwood. So I figured a social gathering would be a good way to get to know the guy. So I told Rick to tell Jenna-"

"Does Jenna know you're going to be there? because she's not exactly a fan of yours," I said to him and he looked at me. A lady stepped up behind me and handed Damon a box.

"Perfect, thank you. I'm hoping this peach cobbler will pave the way," he gestured to the box and I squinted my eyes at him.

"What are you up to?" he stood up and looked into my eyes.

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