Storm (Calum Hood Smut)

Start from the beginning

"You know you sleep like a bunny?" Calum asks me as he passes me a cup of coffee.
"How do bunnies sleep?" I ask him, sitting up from where I have been laying since last night.
"I don't know. I just saw you sleeping and you looked like a bunny." He replies, sitting on his spot.
"I am way less caffeinated than I should be to make sense of you." I groan, pressing my hand against my temples.
"How did you sleep?" He asks me as I rax my body.
"I don't know. It was weird. How did you sleep?" I ask him and he shrugs.
"I've slept better. But it was fine, at least you weren't snoring." He jokes and I groan at him.
"Hey..." I protest and he just hums.
"You were moaning though." He points out, making me bite my lip before replying.
"Yeah, I've been told I do that." I clear my throat, watching his eyes become wider as he looks at me in surprise.
"It sounded good. I mean... Fuck, this is inappropriate." He brushes it off. He blushes slightly, looking inside his mug nervously.
"I've been told my moans sound good as well." I tease him, cocking an eyebrow. He nods, still not looking at me.
"Come on, Hood. Walls are pretty thin, I am sure you've heard me before. Solo and with some company." I state, making him turn to look at me.
"Have... Have you... heard me?" He asks me. He seems awfully shy for the guy who is usually too cocky about his sex life.
"I mean... You are not exactly quiet. And usually not your company as well. There were times I could hear you through my earphones." I explain and he chuckles.
"Fuck..." He mumbles under his breath.
"It is fine, Cal. We are both adults. No need to be embarrassed now." I assure him, taking a sip from my coffee.
"Yep, no need at all." He sighs, but he still looks tense.
"I am going to take a look at what we can have for breakfast." I announce, pointing at the kitchen. He looks like he needs a minute alone to regain himself, so I am going to give it to him.

I carry a pack of veggie chips in hand as I walk back to the living room. I know it is not the best option for breakfast, but there is not a big variety of non-perishables right now.
Calum is still on the couch, looking at his hands a little awkwardly.
"You are still flustered about the moaning thing?" I ask him, throwing the snacks at him.
"Well, it is really fucking embarrassing." He mumbles.
"Calum, papi, it is fine. We are both loud, we have heard each other, it is normal." I assure him, but he runs his hand down his face.
"Please don't call me papi."
"Right, your daddy kink." I point out, sitting with my legs on top of each other.
"Wait... You've heard me alone and with company... Have you heard me... You know..." He asks, but I am lost in the translation at the moment.
"Heard you doing what?" I ask him, with eyebrows furrowing together.
"Come on... You know..." He insists, but I throw my hands in the air.
"I don't know what you are referring to." I reply ad he sighs.
"Have you heard me... moaning your name?" He asks me, making my eyes go wide.
"You... You moan my name?" I ask him, way taken aback by the revelation.
"So, you haven't heard me. Nice." He huffs in frustration.
"You moan my name... Do you do it solo or...?" I ask, trying to make sense out of it.
"There isn't a scenario that I don't come of as a pervert." He states.
"Well..." I insist, making him look at the floor.
"I don't know what to tell you, really. It slipped off my lips. I wasn't doing it on purpose, I wasn't actually thinking of you, well at least not until I actually was. You just popped into my head..." He explains, making me cock an eyebrow at him.
"Was it like, happening because I did something?" I ask him and he shrugs.
"No, at least I don't think so. It was random, and the more I try to make sense of it is, the worse it gets."
"Well, it explains why you are an asshole towards me sometimes." I sigh.
"Yeah. Look, I am sorry, I don't know what is going on. I am not doing it on purpose, I am not trying to be a creep, I just... I don't know, dude. It was random and I thought you had heard something and that you were pushing the moaning thing because you wanted me to speak on it." He panics. I bite my lip, shrugging my shoulders.

"It's ok... I mean... I have thought of you while I was touching myself. It was like... The closer you get to a person, the more you think of them. And fantasies are just manifestations of the unconscious, so whatever..." I reply, trying to make him feel better.
"Oh... You've thought of me?" He asks, his head perking up.
"Yeah, a couple of times." I reply. He is looking at me intrigued like he is asking me to elaborate.
"So, does that mean... you like me?" He asks, squinting at me. I just shrug, arching my eyebrow at him.
"I don't know. Does it mean you like me?" I ask him back.
"I mean, you are really attractive. And smart, and actually funny. And you care about me... But I don't know. It is just... It is a fantasy, you just popped into my head while I was jerking off. I didn't analyze it further than that. Because the more I did, the more the fantasy played in my head and it was just creepy." He shrugs. I hum, staring at him for a few seconds.
"It is kinda weird." He states.
"Wanna fuck it out of our system?" I suggest, making him choke on his coffee.
"What?" He asks me, eyes wide and his cheeks tinted.
"I mean. If it is just sex we want from each other and we fuck, problem solved. Plus, we are locked in the house, either way, no electricity, no phones. We have to find a way to pass time." I point out and he moans in agreement.
"Fuck it. Let's do it." He says, getting up and leaving his mug on the coffee table.
"For real?" I ask him and he nods.
"If you are down for it..." He shrugs, giving me his signature side smirk.
"Oh, I am down, papi." I tease, standing up and stopping before him.
"You really want to go there?" He asks me while he pulls me by my waist. I stare at his lips for a second, alternating to his eyes before he pulls me in for a kiss.

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