Tomie X Male Reader

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Aaand here we are with another update! This story will take place in Chapter 6 of Tomie 2, Orphan Girl or otherwise known as Adoptive Daughter. Requested by RuiRui

Working for the Hinada's was no easy task, especially being the only male worker that lived their. Of course there was the maid Satoko, but you worked as the groundskeeper and would barely be allowed within the house except for meals and for when you went to bed. But one thing was for sure, and that was something odd happened within those walls of the house especially with how many of Mr and Mrs Hinada's adopted daughters that had passed away. Things always felt off, but that helped add to the uneasy feeling of the household. But they paid you well, and for a newly young adult, the pay really helped get you by.

One night, after a recent death of another one of their daughters, you were finishing packing up the rest of the supplies, so none of the lawnmowers, weed wackers, or other equipment would rust due to the heavy rain. After you had locked up the shed, and went to head inside a body on the ground caught your eye. It seemed to catch Satoko's eyes as her and the Hinada's were outside. It appeared to be a young girl dressed in white, maybe one or two years younger than yourself. " (Y/N), be a dear and bring her in." Mrs. Hinada asked in a polite town, as you nodded, " Yes madam." As you picked up the girl seemingly fragile body and brought her inside and took her into a guest room to be tended to. 

A doctor was called in that night to check on the girl, no signs of any serious damage had been done to her and seemed to only be passed out from fatigue. From what Satoko and you had heard, the young lady's name was Tomie, who had lost her parents in a plane crash, which only meant one thing. The Hinada's had gained another daughter, to probably meet the same demise as any other girl they took in: death. That had been the last you really saw Tomie, since Satoko needed to help nurse her back to health. Until one day, you heard the door to the backyard open, and out she walked adorning a beautiful dress with her hair done flawlessly. Trying your best to stay focused on the yard, you went back to watering the flowers to only feel a tap on your shoulder.

" You're the groundskeeper, correct?" Tomie asked, her beauty truly shining through seeing her so up close. Giving her a simple nod, you gave her a small bow, " (Y/N) (L/N), my lady." A soft giggle left her lips, " No need to be so formal with me, like you are with mother and father." Going over to the dahlias that were in full bloom, Tomie leaned down, picking one of the flowers giving it a small sniff. " These are all truly beautiful, (Y/N). I hope to see you around more." Tomie rose of, placing a small kiss on the flowers delicate petals, before placing it in the pocket of you work overalls. She left you in a daze with a soft pink blush dawning your cheeks.

Over the next couple of weeks, you found yourself growing closer to Tomie, whether she would watch and talked with you while you tended to the flowers and yard or the two of you bumping into each other within the house after wok hours. As you laid in your bed within the empty workers quarters, you were brought out of your thoughts by the sound of the door creaking open as you sat up in your bed. Shocked to find Tomie there with a candle and a somewhat distressed look upon her face. " Tomie, is everything alright?" You called out to her, hope she wasn't bothered by your choice of night clothes, a black tank and comfy basketball shorts. 

She let out a soft cry, as she dashed to the bed, the candle dropping to the floor, thankfully it going out. Tomie desperately falling into your arms, her hands resting upon your chest. " I'm scared of mother, (Y/N)!" She cried out, looking up as her dark brown eyes met your (e/c) orbs. " W-When ever we're alone together, she says she wants to suck the youth out of me and sucks on my body!" Tomie revealed her arm to have purple oval marks, much like a hickie would look. " I'm scared and don't know what to do." Tomie let her head fall on your chest. " Stay here tonight Tomie, I'll keep you safe." You reassured her as you let her arms wrap around her smaller body, the two of you falling asleep in each others embrace. 

Not too long after another attack on Tomie, Mrs. Hinada had took her own life, her body found by Sakoto. After burying the old lady and holding a small service, the Mr. Hinada seemed to fall into a state of hysteria, and ended up taking Sakoto's life along with his own. Tomie had barely escaped with her life, being stabbed badly. This had all happened when you were out getting a small gift for Tomie. A sterling silver necklace, with a small heart and her name engraved on it. After the night she came to your room, a small relationship grew between the two of you. Small kisses behind closed doors, being in the garden with each other, just enjoying each others company.

Having both of the Hinada's gone Tomie had gained all of their money, along with the house. After she had recovered from the wounds, the two of you were able to live out your lives happily, even getting married at the manor, her wearing the same beautiful dress she had worn the day you two met. As the both of you laid within the bed you both shared, she turned to face you offering a soft smile. " I love you (Y/N), and I am so happy to be your wife." Leaning forward, you pressed a soft yet loving kiss on her lips, resting your forehead on hers. " I love you as well Tomie, and you made me the luckiest man in the world." The night went on as the newlyweds enjoyed each others company, glad to be living their best lives.


Hello all of my lovelies readers! I have currently started up school again, so to help me become more consistent I now have an update schedule!

Every Tuesday, starting on the 15th of September, I will be updating this book! Hope you all enjoyed the new chapter and don't forget to vote and comment!

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