Shuichi Saito X Female Reader

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Art isn't mine

When the curse of the spiral had hit your home town of Kurozu-Cho, life seemed to go downhill. What was unfortunate is that your neighbors seemed to be the first people to be affected by it, the Saitos. Sure you weren't close with them, but you had seen them around, especially their son Shuichi. 

He had attended your high school for a short amount of time, his girlfriend being Kirie, you weren't that close to her or anyone in that matter. You were practically a loner in school, not having a big group of friends, you could barely keep them around. It wasn't your fault, Seikno who thrived for attention from everyone at school, had spread some "harmless" rumors. This resulted in you being an outcast.

After both of Shuichi's parents had passed away, you felt pity for the poor guy, so you would stop by his house to check on him every so often to make sure he was okay. The two of you would usually make small talk, growing a small bond, he was glad you hadn't been affected by the spirals too. One night your mom had made some oyakodon for dinner, and you had packed some up to take to Shuichi. He started to look worse, like he hadn't been eating or sleeping.

Walking up to his door, with the tupperware in hand, ringing his doorbell. " Shuichi." You called out to the male, so he would know that it would be safe. Some shuffling could be heard from behind the door, as Shuichi peeked his head out, " Oh hello Y/N." His voice sounded somewhat weak, as you offered him the food. " My mom made dinner and I thought dropping by and giving you some." Shuichi took the tupperware from you, " That's really nice of you Y/N." He took a step to the side, opening the door more for you to come into his home.

You walked in, slipping off your shoes at the front door and followed him to where the dinner table was. " How has everything been? You seem to be feeling a little better." You took a seat across from him, handing him a pair of chopstick your mom had also sent you with. He examined the food at first before starting to eat it, " Yeah, I guess you could say that. Kirie has stopped visiting and offered to end things with me to make things easier." 

The news had shocked you, at school you could over hear Kirie always talking about how perfect her relationship was with the male. " That really sucks, but I do think you could use some time to relax and just focus on yourself." You still felt bad that she had broken up with him since now he would be all by himself, but something in you made you want to stay by his side. Shuichi nodded in agreement, " I do think that it is for the better, especially since it seemed to be affecting her too. But I can't be mad with it, it'll just make things easier for when I leave."

When he left? Why was he going to leave and when? But then it hit you, the curse of the spiral. " Let me come with you." You quickly exclaimed, clamping a hand over your mouth after you had the words had left your mouth. Shuichi looked at you with a raised brow, having finished the oyakodon, " Why would you want to leave? Especially with me?" The male was quick to question you, curious to why you would leave your family and everything you had, just to go with him. 

" Listen Shuichi, I don't want you to suffer alone. I mean you lost your parents from this all, and now Kirie too, the last thing I want is for something to happen to you." As you spoke to him, your eyes fell to your lap, not wanting to see how he would react. " If you really want to Y/N, it would nice to have your company. But are you ready to leave everything behind?" Sure your family would miss you, but what you considered family was just your mom and you.

" I'm prepared to, my mom is a strong woman and she'll be fine." You reassured him, to which Shuichi nodded. " Pack your things tonight, we leave tomorrow at dawn." He stood up, walking over to the other side of the table, offering you his hand. You carefully take it as he helps you up, pulling you into a small embrace, before letting go. " I'll see you in the morning." You tell him, giving him a soft smile as you left his place to pack your things up.

As dawn came, you met with Shuichi at the tunnel leading out of town, carrying a duffel bag, having all of your necessities. He offered you his hand, which you took into yours, starting to run through it, you were afraid that if you two left any later, there would be no escape and that the spiral would find you. That was until you reached the other side of the tunnel, meaning the both of you were free from the town that has been cursed with the spiral. You hugged him out of happiness, to which he returned the hug, giving you a real smile. Maybe something could come from this, hopefully a relationship.

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