Souchi Tsuji X Reader

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Art of course doesn't belong to me.
Also since he is 12 in the manga and anime he will be aged up to 17 turning 18 in this story.

Your family had moved towns, do to your parents having better job opportunities which sucked for you since you would be starting your third year in highschool, at a new school. If at anything the stress was too much at first, being in a new place and having to meet new people, but you were positive you would manage.
The day had finally come as you bounded up to the highschool doors, with your schedule in hand. When you had made it to your homeroom, you looked around taking in all of the faces of your new classmates, they all seemed pretty nice, but one really caught your eye. The male had very pale skin and deep black hair that seemed pretty tame, besides the pieces that hung down and covered his forehead. He sat near the back of the room, and appeared to be chewing something that you couldn't make out. You shrugged it off, thinking if you wanted to have friends he would be a great way to start.

Making your way to the back of the class, you look down at the unknown male, seeing that the things he was chewing on were nails? " Um, hello. I'm Y/N L/N and I'm new here." He looked shocked having another person talk to him, " I-I'm Souichi Tsujii." The male had greeted back. For the rest of the class and day, becoming friends with the oddball.
Your friendship had grown and grown, not really bothered by Souichi's odd habits and that he practiced dark magic, and a lot of voodoo. Today marked one month of you and Souichi becoming best friends! But something had felt off, you now had all of these weird feelings about him, that you couldn't explain. That's when with the help of your parents you had found out you had a crush on him. But little did you know he was feeling the same way. Like usual after school the two of you would go to his house and just go relax and hangout in his room. He sat at his small little desk, talking to himself holding one of those creepy antique dolls. You layed on his floor, looking over to him,

" Hey Souichi."

You called out, wanting to confront him about how you felt. Souichi glanced over his shoulder, a nail sticking out of his mouth as he gave out a hum. " So I don't know how to put this, but I'm going to be pretty blunt, okay? I'm pretty sure I like you... More than a friend." You state as you watched his jaw drop, the nail falling from his mouth and hitting the desk with a thunk. He turned around so he was facing you, his pale cheeks tinted with a soft pink. Souichi had no one to talk to about the way he was feeling so he had researched and was shocked at first to figure out he too had liked you.

The poor boy was a nervous wreck, making you regret your decision until he spoke, " I... I like you too." He finally admitted, your own cheeks now turning a deep pink. Sitting up, you crawled over to him, pulling Souichi into a hug, resting your arms around his neck, while your head rested on his shoulder. It took a moment for him to hug you back, Souichi had never experienced this type of thing and was hesitant at first. His arms wrapped securely around his waist as the both of you sat there silently enjoying each others company, warmth, and embrace.

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