♡Chapter Three♡

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Killua's POV


(In Killua's room)

I felt giddy. I never felt this way. Why was this happening? Everytime I thought about Gon, my heart starts beating really fast and I become a nervous wreck. I decided to push all of that aside and flopped onto my bed. But all of the sudden, Gon's smiling face came to my head. I felt my face burn up and covered my face with a pillow while screaming into it. 'Why was this happening?! I can't stop thinking about him! AHHHHHHHH.' I mentally screamed. I stopped when I heard footsteps. A knock was heard at my door and in came Canary, one of my butlers.

"Prince Killua, are you doing alright? I heard a scream from all the way across the hallway!" she asked worriedly.

"I-um-aha-ahaha. I-it was nothing big. I-I was just s-stressed about c-class ahahaha..." I laughed nervously.

"Are you sure? It didn't seem like class was bothering you."

"It was um-a-um, a project! Yeah! I d-didn't like the way Mrs. Bisky told me to complete it in two days, e-especially since it's a BIG project ahaha..." I lied, praying Mrs. Bisky doesn't find out I was talking shit and makes me write sentences.

"Ok then, if you need anything to call for me, ok?" Then she left. I sighed and looked out of my bedroom window. I saw that the knights were training. I scanned the area and found the familiar raven haired boy who was panting after a combat fight. I squinted my eyes to see better. He was wiping sweat off his forehead. I looked down. My eyes widened and blushed profusely. 'OMG HE WAS SHIRTLESS WHY WAS THAT HOT OMG.' I looked at him again. 'OMG HE HAS AN EIGHT PACK OMG DHBGHJDSSHAGAVKJDAH' My hands raised to my face and found out I had a nosebleed. I quickly grabbed a tissue and held it on my nose to prevent the blood from plopping on the floor. I looked outside again. 'HGWDJIDVFHBYDV WHY IS HE SO HOT- WAIT- WHY AM I THINKING LIKE THAT. I JUST MET THE GUY!!! AHHHHHHHH-'

"Prince Killua! Is everything alright?!" Canary comes in yelling. I didn't even realize I started screaming. " Why is your nose bleeding?!"

I panicked. "I-um--I ahahaha- I accidentally f-fell onto my f-face ahahaha..."

"We need to clean you up!" After a few minutes, the blood had stopped and my face was free from any dried blood. Canary had already left to prepare dinner. I look out the window again and gaze at Gon. I was admiring his structured body, his big determined amber eyes, and his jet black spiky hair. Everything about him just seems so perfect to me, and I didn't know why.

I was stuck in a daze. My imagination ran wild. I thought about how we could go on a date, gazing at the sunset and soon the beautiful stars. How we could even kis- 'wAIT. WHY AM I THINKING ABOUT THAT. WE JUST MET TODAY!! BESIDES, MY FATHER WOULD NEVER ALLOW HIS SON TO BE TOGETHER WITH A KNIGHT. ARGHHHHH!!' I mentally yelled, making sure I didn't actually scream out loud this time.

I heard a knock on my door. 'That must be Canary to tell me dinner is ready.' I opened the door and there was Canary, as I thought. She also brought my dinner, as I usually isolate myself from the dining room where my family usually eats. I couldn't bear the intense tension between my family members so I always ate in my room. But then someone came into my view.

"GON?! What are you doing here?! Are you even allowed to be here?!"

"Ehehe I asked the King if I could see you and he surprisingly said yes." Gon said with his tongue sticking out. "Miss Canary here helped me find you so I could eat dinner with you!" My face heats up.

"B-baka! Y-you don't have to eat with me!" I exclaimed, blushing a deep crimson red and looking away.

"But I want to!" he pouted. This made me blush even harder at the cuteness he's giving me.

"F-fine! Y-you can eat with me. You might become my bodyguard soon so w-we should get used to each other." Gon cheered and walked into my room as Canary set down our food on my table. I thanked Canary and closed the door behind me. We both sat down at the table and dug into our food. We started talking and soon enough, we started talking and laughing more. It was so much fun. I never knew having someone by you at dinner would be like this.

My heart felt... complete... with Gon... like he was the missing piece of my empty heart... 

A/N: Hope you guys liked this chapter! I literally had no idea what to put for this chapter so I put a simple dinner at the end agscgfdfh. Ah, I suddenly have to urge to draw. Well, see you guys next week! Electricgay, out!

♡Not So Royal Love♡||Killugon/Gonkillu Royal AuKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat