Chapter 3

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Y/n's pov---

I run after Ben even though I don't know him I hate seeing people sad.

I enter his room and see him sitting on his bed looking down at his lap.
I don't think he's noticed me yet, I sit down next to him.

'Damn asshole, I just wanna be loved.'

Poor Ben.

I reach up to touch his shoulder and squeeze it a bit. "It's okay. You'll find someone eventually that will give you all the love you need." I softly say, smiling a bit at him.

He look confused at me, right, he doesn't know I can read minds.

"Have you ever been in love, Mary?" He asks. Mary? Wtf my name's not Mary.. (( If ur names Mary just change the name he said))

"It's Y/n and yes I have." I smile remembering my first boyfriend Ash. He was killed.. He was the only one that cared for me, my mom beat me all the time and dad left me when I was a child then came back when I turned 17 and now I am here.

I love dad and I understand why he left, he couldn't raise a child in a house full of psycho's.

"You'd do anything for them right.. Anything to get their attention.." Ben looks at me with bloody tears running down his cheeks.

"Yes but Ben, Luna only sees you as a friend." I tell him not wanting to say that his best friend was flirting with her, sure, they were stoned but still.

He makes a weird face and sighs, "Right.. Luna.."

"You did mean Luna, right?"

"Doesn't matter." Huh..?

I think he knew I was thinking about it very hard because he quickly changed the subject by putting his hand on my tigh.

I raise an eyebrow at him, getting very uncomfortable. All he does is just smirk.

"Wanna fuck?" He sqeeuzes my tigh.

Without a word I stand up, turn my back at him and leave hearing him mumble, "That ass."


It's been awhile now everyone was getting ready for the party when suddenly my door got hurt by someone that doesn't know how to open a door correctly.

"Oi, Y/n !"

"Hey Luna.."

She sighs happily looking around my room. She looks at me then looks at my clothes.

"You're NOT going to wear that!" she smiles before I was able to protest she spoke up. "You don't know how many doors I slammed open to find your room, really, I've seen some shit damn my eyes, glad I can't see that good.

I look at her clothes and of course it's super revealing, but pretty I love black and red.

" So sweetcheeks, wanna die or try?" She says trying to imitate Jeff's voice while holding up a knife and a dress.

I giggle at her failed Jeff voice and point at the dress. "I'll try.. I think."

She scoffs before going back to smiling, "Don't think I don't do that either." I just nod, everyone knows you don't think.

After trying a few dresses I finally found the one I love most ((Just imagine one yourself since I don't know what you like or not.))

"I love this dress!" I say a bit too excited, she smiles at me while tilting her head, "Aww lemme do your makeup!" I widen my eyes, makeup? No..

"Uhm do i really need it?"  she shakes her head, "No you're already beautiful but.. Still I mean Jane sure as hell could use some." She giggles, I look at her in confusion aren't they friends?

"I heard that baby boo!" we hear Jane yelling we just look at each other and laugh.

After the torture harl-I mean Luna put me through I look at the mirror and see someone that doesn't look like me one bit.

My hair and makeup were done so professionally..

I tear up, not because I'm sad but because I'm happy.. I just realized that Luna is my first girl friend..

"Oh my ugly Jeff, you don't like it do you? Now I'm mad I'm gonna hurt Ben cuz I don't wanna hurt you a-" I cut her off by wrapping my arms around her, "No, I love it no need to hurt Ben." After I said that we hear a relieved whistle.

We turn our heads and see Ben, Jeff, Jane and Luca.

"I wanted to see you hit him." Jeff crosses his arms.

"You look good Y/n." I smile at Jane

"So Y/n, you never answered my question." We all look at Ben, it took me a couple of seconds to realise what he meant.

"No!" I yell and slap him, oh shit I didn't mean too.

Everyone looks at me with a proub face everyone beside Ben of course.

"Anyways, Y/n you're beautiful." Luca says making me blush.

"Thanks, you too. " I reply seeing his outfit its like the others but different like he had a dark orange blouse a'd a black tie, Jeff a red blouse and Black tie, Ben green blouse and black tie, etc.

"So ready to go party?" Jane asks we all nod and go downstairs to join the others. Feeling more and more nervous the closer we get to the party.

Stay with me my dear. (Eyeless Jack X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now