Chapter 1

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- Your P.O.V -

"C'mon Jeff admit it!" Ben yells at his best friend, Jeff turns his head to Ben.
Raising an eyebrow he asks, "What?"

Ben sighs loudly looking up at the ceiling. "My weed. My goddamn weed, you stole it."

Jeffrey looks up tapping his chin with his pale fingers, acting as if he was thinking. "Nope, I can get my own weed, small dude." Ben furiously leaves making Jeff chuckle as he starts to roll a blunt.

I sigh and look at Toby sitting next to me eating waffles.

'This is so boring'

I jump slightly when slender appears in front of us. He looks at Jeff and sighs.

"Jeffrey please stop getting high, Toby don't eat too much or you'll get fat, Ej stop staring at the ceiling, Masky, your break is over go get hoodie. Y/n, you're good." Slender says, Jeff looks at me.

"Slenders goody two shoes." He simply states then randomly laughs.

"Okay everyone listen up," All of the pasta's come into the living room to listen, "We'll be throwing a party, Zalgo and his minions will be joining us so you guys can make more friends and such."  Slender looked at me when he said 'make more friends.

I honestly like him, I mean he's my father after all.

"Hell yeah." Ben yells, he fistbumps Jeff. These two morons...

"Will Luna be there?." Ben asks, huh? Who's that?

"Yes she will."

"Who's Luna?" I ask my dad.

"Well my dear, she's-" "The hottest psychopath ever!" Ben interrupts dad.
Slender looks at him sighing. "Thank you for that, Benjamin.."

Ben leans back on the couch while Jeff passes the blunt to Ben, "Anytime." he says before taking a hit.

"Of course me and Zalgo won't be here so Masky and Luca will be in charge." Some groan, and some smile.

"Shit Luca? I won't be able to get Luna in bed. He's too overprotective over his twin sis." Ben says passing the blunt to Jeff.

"Hate to break it to ya but, Luna's not interested in you, she doesn't like dwarfs." Jeff says patting Ben on the back. In return Jeff gets the finger from Ben.

"When will the party be, sir?" Masky asks ignoring the two stoned morons.

"Tomorrow night now, I must attend some business, you all have to set up the party." With that said, dad left.

"Okay gays," Jeff starts, "Who goes with who?" he asks about the groups.

"I get Luna and you get your hand, good?" Ben says chuckling but getting smacked by Jeff hard.

"I don't touch myself." All the boys look shocked at Jeff.

"Okay this conversation isn't necessary, Masky plans the groups." Jane says.

"Finally someone normal." Jane nods at Masky as a 'thank you'.

"Okay Slender said that some of zalgo's minions will be here in a few minutes to help." Masky states.

"So, I will go with Toby and Hoodie, we will clean and move the furniture." Toby groans.

"Y/n, Ej and Jane will get some drinks." We nod at him in approval.

" 'Kay, Jeff, Luna and Lj will be getting the food." Ben looks at Jeff, "You better not steal her." 

"And Luca, Ben and Lost silver will be arranging some random dj."

"Fuck i' m dead." Ben says with wide eyes making Jeff laugh at him.

"Okay, now, we wait till the twins are here. " With that Masky and Hoodie leave.

I really think Masky and Hoodie have something going on.

' I think so too, dear.'

I giggle because of my father. Everyone looks at me making me go red.

"Ya need to loosen up a bit. Here," Jeff holds out his blunt to me, I shake my head. "Tch pussy." He smirks.

That asshole he nows that I hate it when they call me pussy, It makes me want to prove myself and do it. I was about to take it when a grey hand took mine.

"Jeff leave her alone, she's not a stoner and never will be you should all take an example to her." Ej says and Jeff scoffs taking a hit.

The door slams open loudly.
"Eyyyy!!" I hear a female voice, I turn around and see a boy and girl they kinda look the same. "Luna do you have to be this loud, Jesus." the boy says, she nods at him and he chuckles.

They must be Luca and Luna.

The girl is a redhead with brown eyes and big lips, she's obvious emo with her bangs swept across her forehead, she's got two ponytails. And a perfect body. So, this is why the girl is so famous with the boys. She remind me a bit of a Harley Quinn reject. Hehe.

I look at Luca he has black hair and the same brown eyes as his sister. He has a bit of freckles on his nose like his sister and he is way taller than her, she's probably smaller than Ben.
Luca is kinda hot..

"Who are you sweet cheeks?" She askw me. Smiling very creepy..

"I-I'm Y-y-n.." I quietly stutter. "Oh are you like my bestie?" she asks, i look at her in confusion. "Toby!"

"o-oh no..i-" "She has the retard syndrome just like you." Jeff says, Luna smacks him.

"Well anywaaays i'm Luna and I can help you." Jeff laughs along with Ben.

Jeff stand up and speak up, "Hi, I'm Jeffrey woods and I'm addicted to weed, cigs, alcohol and killing. I killed my family and now I live with a faceless man." Ben and Jeff chuckle while me and Luna look at each other, I feel someone sitting next to me and see Luca, he sweetly smiles at me. I smile back.

I look back in front of my and see Ben standing up.

"I'm Benjamin and I'm addicted to hacking and messing with people's head, I also to weed and such shit. I really need help." They once again chuckle. "And.." We all wait for Ben to say something.

He looks at Jeff, Jeff nod and chuckles a bit.

Ben then looks at Luca, "I like to jerk off zt the thought of Luna every night." Ben quickly runs after he said that, Luca of course chasing him.

"okay pe-" Masky got interrupted by Ben and Luca running past him, Masky turns his head at us after watching them.

"Okay people, time to get it ready you all know your groups and functions.

We stand up and go with our groups.

Stay with me my dear. (Eyeless Jack X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now