1.7K 54 29

March 29, New York

The entire office fell silent. The clock that hung on the wall ticked by anxiously as the two men stared at each other, with one who thought how stupid, rash, and awkward his question was, and the other who paled, then turned red, then paled again at the question.

As America seriously considered taking back his question and leaving the room, Russia mumbled, "Yes... I'm the murderer."

The American had not a moment to react to the statement when the latter suddenly blurted out, "Wait! I can explain!"

America watched as Russia twiddled with his thumbs for a while before the Russian sighed, "Someone ordered me to kill them."

America asked, "Do you know who they are?"

"I don't know them. They must've been spies for the Soviet Union that are still around for some reason, t-t-that want to take you down. I don't think I recognize them, although I do recognize one. I don't know him well, although I think he was working for a very minor office in the government. I don't know why he wanted to get involved with them.
"Do you know why I didn't return to the headquarters after I attended my father's funeral?" He asked.

"No," replied America, "I've been wondering about that during that time for a couple of minutes."

"I'm not so clear with what happened, since I may have forgotten some bits," continued Russia, "but after the funeral finished, I was lured into getting involved with them. I don't know how, but I'm sure I encountered him while I was at the funeral.
"But it wasn't only me, they also had Iran, Belarus, and Syria involved right before they dragged me into this... this ordeal. They were also planning on dragging North Korea, China, and probably much more countries who obviously didn't like you into the situation or who are post-Soviet states, including Kazakhstan...
"They told me their main objective was to kill you. I don't know, or maybe don't remember, the reason why. They also told me they weren't directly going to murder you immediately. They said that what we're supposed to do w-w-was to take out each and every one of your allies or countries who were once close to you."

"They assigned me to murder Japan, which is why he became the first murder case ever since that day, although they also assigned Belarus to help me in case if I messed up or if I chickened out.
"They were right, I chickened out, so Belarus, after helping me murder Japan and leaving him in the storage room, told them I screwed up. I don't remember what my punishment was, but, for some strange reason, it hit hard. The other thing that had hit me hard, probably harder than that punishment, was China's death." At the last statement America could feel himself paling. If he didn't have China killed, China could have been one of the murderers by now...

"After that, life just kind of went downhill, because all of a sudden, I was really mad at you. I guess this is what they wanted for me to become. At first I kept silent when China was being accused of Japan's murder, because I was scared that if I tried to defend him, you'd accuse me instead, but maybe that's why they told me to keep silent if he keeps getting accused for murder. Even though they wanted China to join them, they used him as a bait, to make me feel angry towards you, because you killed one of my friends."

It was evident in Russia's tone that even he was scared at how much they knew about him.

Russia paused for a while, as if he was contemplating if he should tell America the next few statements.

"I don't know who killed Taiwan and Phil," he continued, "maybe they assigned some other countries or people to kill the two, but I killed Ukraine and France..."

"Is that why Ukraine's door was always locked for three whole months?" Asked America, only to receive a nod from the latter.

"Yes. I also attempted killing Canada, Germany, and Lithuania. I think you know about Germany and Lithuania, although I don't think you know about Canada..." at this statement America shivered. He didn't know when was the murder attempt of Canada, and he frankly would and would not want to know.

The two fell silent, as America contemplated asking Russia yet again another question. What if it sounded rude? He thought...

"Russia, why didn't you refuse?"

At this, the Russian was taken aback, and with a slightly panicked tone in his voice, replied with, "T-T-T-They didn't even give me a choice to refuse! And even if they did, I'm sure they wouldn't consider no as an answer."

The two then stopped and stared at each other in awkward silence, before America then stood up and told Russia, "Well, I'll have to report this to UN-"

"Wait, what?!" Russia couldn't hide his dread and fear, "It wasn't my fault! I didn't want to get involved in the first place! What's gonna happen to me?!" He could feel his voice trembling and tearing up.

America felt pity for the boy. This wasn't Russia's fault, yet even so, he had committed murder... crap what was he supposed to do... if UN could have a little bit of mercy...

"I'm not so sure, Russia," replied America as he patted the country's back sympathetically, "Syria and Iran have caused a lot of problems for the United Nations, and besides, conspiracy to commit murder, especially when you've performed a contract with someone and especially when you're going to kill a country, is pretty much illegal, so I'm not so sure if your punishments will be light... but I'll explain everything to UN, to see if he can at least have a little bit of mercy."

America earned a weak smile from Russia, as he continued, "Now, if you please, tell us who this government official is. I'm sorry, but I can't one hundred percent guarantee you that you'll be considered innocent, although it would be a great help for your reasoning... Actually, wait, I have a better idea."

America then smiled a bright smile at Russia, before saying, "Would you like to tell this to UN and NATO face-to-face so that we'll have adequate proof?"


As America left Russia's office and started heading towards UN's office, he suddenly stopped at the middle of the hallway.

It was true, Lithuania gave him adequate information on who was the culprit, although he couldn't help but think...

First of all, he was correct about the culprit having a close relationship with the Soviet Union, even after it had dissolved.
What was more? He had then realized that the murders took place or became much more obvious after that twenty-sixth of December, exactly how Russia had said...

Secondly, Russia had told him that he was under a group of spies for the Soviet Union who were planning to kill him by taking out America's allies, or the countries who used to be allies with him, and then murdering him once his allies had been disposed of, as if they were saving him for later...

There was one, although he wasn't sure if it could be true: Saudi Arabia told him weeks ago that he had been pressured by many of the Middle Eastern countries to report him to the United Nations, due to the many rumors circling around. What if Syria and Iran were involved, or were the ones who started the rumors? It may be just an opinion, although, seeing how much the two, or rather just Iran, hated America and were now given the chance to kill him, what if it was true?

The mystery about leaving no traces... if Belarus or Russia didn't use ammunition, then it would be difficult to kill someone with a melee weapon without touching the victim. It was either Belarus had exceptional knife throwing skills, or they were wearing extremely thick gloves. The two were countries that were found at the far north, when it was still extremely cold at spring... yes, that could be another piece...

What was more? China, before he was taken into custody, had a very brief period of communication with Russia. Had he known that something was up? And if Russia was truly his friend, was he supposed to defend China the more often he gets accused of murder?

America started to laugh, although quite weakly and blankly. He then started to laugh much more warmly, and soon, he was laughing with tears in his eyes, as he slapped his forehead and realized how stupid he was.

The answer was already found in the start.


Word Count: 1476

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