Part 7

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Diana's P. O. V

I arrived in the conference hall with the 3 matrons I don't what's wrong 

"Uhhmm did i do anything wrong ", i asked

 "Ryan Dervantes wants to talk to the person who passed his questions Diana", she said *** Omg what ****** i didn't answer it****** how can I defend it? ***I bowed and looked at the projector until Ryan appeared He looked so good in the video 

"Uhhm Diana right ", he asked me 

"Yes sir " I replied

 "The third question you answered you changed it, which means something was wrong with the question right?", he asked

 "Well yes, I replied.

 "Ok can you please enlighten me more", he asked

 "why did you change my question. He relaxed on his chair

 "Actually sir", i said

"Tell me? ", he said 

"Well truthfully I didn't answer those questions myself ", i replied.

 "Ok so do you mind telling me who it was? ", He asked 

"It was my best friend, Clara David. I am sorry for lying, She answered it and I copied from her". I replied him. I said this boldly after all I'm really not good at lying. He looked at me for a while. He wanted to talk when someone walked in behind him.

Ryan's P. O. V

So she wasn't the one who answered my question Well the person I want is the person who answered the question Clara David. 

"So tell me Diana, this Clara is she a senior nurse ", i asked

 "No sir ", she replied Just then the matron spoke up 

"She is a junior nurse sir, but a very intelligent one. Well she has just one little problem. ", she added ****What does she mean by one little problem *****I wanted to speak when Mrs Delvailers walked in behind me I turned and she gave me signals that Anna wanted to see me ***Omg Anna is awake ***I was so happy I smiled widely I turned to the screen 

"I would have loved to interview this Clara David but I don't have time, Just tell her to get ready. She's traveling with me., i replied. I logged out before they even replied. I tuned to Nurse Delvaliers Come on let's go I grabbed my jacket

Clara's P. O. V

I am lying on the floor right now. My cloth is all stained. My hair is so scattered. I'm just tired from searching all the kids I find What is this? Why is life crazy? Just then a kid walked to me and i turned 

"Unni, she called me Mm I think she's Korean 

"How are you? ", i asked her 

"I'm fine but I came to give you your phone ", she said I smiled happily when she brought the phone out of her little bag I kissed her and hugged her 

"You just saved unni's life, (kumapta) I told her and she chuckled.

 "It's not "kumapta" you should say (gamsahabnida or kangsanmida). I smiled 

"gamsahabnida ", Aka thank you. I said smiling. She ran away and I stood up I need to check on AnnaI wonder if my treatment worked. I slipped my phone into my pocket and ran up the stairs I was in the second floor when matron Linda called me I wonder what's wrong I ran down