6. Wake me up

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I walked through the woods slowly, my breathing ragged. You know that feeling, when you can just sense somebody is watching you? It sends a shiver down your spine and makes your heart quicken its already frantic pace. A twig snapped behind me and I bolted, darting off in to the trees. I ran faster than I ever had before and I looked forward in hope at the clearing ahead of me. Sun, people, safety. I almost made it when a masked guy stepped out behind the tree in front and raised a large knife. I closed my eyes tight and gulped in fear, panic bubbling inside me. 

Wake up. 

My body jerked awake and I was breathing heavily, sweat beading my forehead. I blinked a couple of times and adjusted my eyes to the light. My heart was still pounding and I angled my head up just to make sure there was no masked killer hanging out in Jack's bedroom. That's when I groggily noticed that I was currently curled up in the crook of Jack's arm. He was still fast asleep, his mouth wide open and snoring loudly. His sandy brown hair was sticking up at all angles and his t-shirt had ridden up so I could see the soft outline of his abs underneath his shirt. 

I stared at him in bewilderment. Since when did we sleep like this?  Whenever I stayed over, he always let me sleep in his bed while he crashed on the floor. We both must've just fallen asleep watching the movie, I guess. I scratched my head and my fingers got caught in my hair. It felt all tangled and I also had some dried drool on my chin which was nice. I must've slept well, not that I ever had any trouble falling asleep. Food and sleep were my favourite things in the world. 

As Jack continued to snore, I slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes again. My joggers had ridden up my hips and my rugby shirt was twisted just below my ribs. I was not a pretty sight in the morning. I was sleeping on the far side, tucked between Jack and the wall so I had to shimmy across and climb over Jack to get off the bed. I swung my leg over and hovered over him, kicking out helplessly to try and find the floor. I lost my balance pretty quickly and my body weight slammed down on Jack's stomach. 

His eyes snapped open and he let out a surprised yelp. "What the hell?"

"Sorry," I grimaced, now currently aware I was straddling him in bed with drool on my chin. "I was trying to climb over you but you're too big and I fell."

He smiled wearily and rubbed his eyes with both his hands. He looked cute, in an annoying sort of way. "So you're saying it's my fault that you woke me up?"

I nodded. "Glad we're on the same page."

He reached up suddenly and tickled me, poking my ribs and underarms. I squealed and rolled off him on to the floor. I'm not going to lie, it hurt slightly but I was away from the tickling hands so I would class that as a win. I led on the floor for a moment beside Jack's bed and caught my breath. Suddenly, Jack's face peered over the side of the bed, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

"Don't," I warned him, swatting his forehead. "I might pee myself." 

"Nothing I haven't seen before," he chuckled. 

My cheeks reddened. "Hey, we were six and I had too much milkshake. Leave me alone."

"Whatever you say, nugget."

I pulled a face and struggled to sit up, my poor muscles aching. The floor underneath me creaked and I blew out my cheeks, turning to face Jack cross-legged. He led on his side, his weight on one elbow as he turned to face me. 

"Why didn't you shove me on to the floor like usual last night?" I asked, scooting forward. 

He shrugged. "You fell asleep pretty quickly and when the movie finished, I couldn't be bothered to move, so I just let you sleep next to me. I mean, I probably won't again."

My Best Friend, Jack ✓Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum