why tho?

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Dadzawa's pov:

I was about to head back home and finally sleep when i saw a boy climb up the fire escape of a 7 story building. I ended watching what he was doing

I then heard him speak.
"Man, this can't get any worse can it?"

I responded back.
"Yo kid you ok?"

He froze.
He turned and he had a tear stained face and blood on his cheeks and head.

"Kid are you ok your bleeding?"

He took a few steps back getting closer to the edge.

"Kid stop moving your gonna fall off the edge if you keep moving!"

He stopped and looked down and then looked at me while taking a step forward.

"To be honest Mister erasurehead, i wouldn't mind that"

Great im dealing with a suicidal teen. Wait....
"How do you know who i am not many people do."

"Well sir your one of my favorites and hardest information to find under ground hero. There's no way I'll forget you that easily"

Man this kid is something else. But i need to get him to a hospital he's covered in blood.

"Alright kid im taking you to a hospital."

"Why tho?"
He asked with an innocent look while covered in blood.

"Because your covered in blood and unless that isn't your blood we are going to the hospital"

He then looks at the edge of the building and then looks at me.

"This isn't my blood it's red paint"

I swear to god...

I walk over to the edge to see what he was looking at and i see different splats of red on the ground. I turn to ask the kid but he was gone. I panic and look down the fire escape and there he is. I use my scarf to stop him.

"Kid do you know anything about the red spots on the ground near the side of the building"

He looks at me still trying to get out with his yellow backpack that i didn't notice and says to me.

"Like i said before it's red paint"

"Im taking you to a hospital"

"What no?! Im not going to the hospi-"

I wrapped my scarf around his mouth and dragged him to the hospital. He was trying to get out of the scarf, im surprised he was able to move so much the way i have it tied around him should break his bones if he moved the wrong way. We made it to the hospital and i get him to the room the nurses took us to and i made him sit on the bed. He was still acting stubbornly and how he didn't want to be here. The nurses tried to treat his wounds but he didn't have any and the nurses took the blood off him and took some of his blood for testing ad the were the same. He was covered in his own blood.

the immortal inventorजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें