:Big Ten Inch Record:

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TW: lemon/18+


Sam and I retreated for the night after the conversation with Alucard, Dean and Seras choosing to stay in and watch a mutual movie over wine. It was cute how they were trying. Dean is a good guy, I just think he's a bit intense sometimes. Sam and I were sitting on the bed side by side, and I was reading my pocket bible for the billionth time, when Sam took it from me, making me lose my place. 

" Sammy, love, give that back." 

" No. You always read this silly little pocket bible when you get stressed. You've done it a lot the past two weeks, and honestly, I want you to read something else." 

" Oh, like how you are blushing like a cherry and being cheeky? I have a masters degree is psychology and sociology. I can read people like books." 

" Oh really? Well, what kind of book do you see just from the cover in me?" 

I could hear the tone in his voice, and I knew he wanted to test the waters. I quickly pinned him under me, and got close to his face, his desire radiated off him in waves. 

" I see a very handsome, thick, and very long read, one thats a hardcover, and one that can keep me busy for hours. What do you think of that, my american dream?" 

He swallowed hard, and I gave a intentionally deeper laugh, feeling his breath hitch on my skin. I pin him farther by resting on my forearms, placing his head between them, laying flat against him, and I could feel his excitement already. I smirk, my nose barely touching his, his eyes locked on mine, and they were the most beautiful mossy green. 

" You really are the sexiest man I have ever seen." 

I kissed him, and he was all for it, his hands flying to pull me closer, tugging on my shirt, his nails slightly scratching through the thin material. He was being desperate and sloppy, and it was perfect, because so was I. I was quickly removing clothing, and so was he, only our boxers were left on, and I quickly thought ahead and locked the door. Sam went to remove the cross I gave him, only for me to stop him, pinning his arms above his head. 

" Leave it on. I never wanna see it off ya unless it's to be polished."

" Alex, you really are the hottest man I have ever seen." 

" Before we go any farther, are you sure you want to go down that road? I'll understand if you say no."

" I want you, now." 

" As you wish, Sammy." 

I kissed him deeply, and I could feel his trust in me to do right by him. In my 45 years on this rock, I've only had 2 partners, and both were one night stands completely shit faced drunk. I moved my hands to pick him up, his legs wrapping instinctual around my waist, my kisses moving to his neck, pinning him to the wall, his sharp intakes of breath made me giggle. 

" Let it out, baby boy. Don't hold back. I wanna hear those pretty little sounds, lad." 

I carefully licked up his jugular, making him moan and whimper, and it was so damn perfect, like it was straight from a porno. I assault the artery, and he bucks his hips into mine, making me growl a bit. I move us to the bed, and move from kissing his neck, down his chest, his moans and pants getting more rapid as I moved down to his waist, his hands in my hair. I stop and look up, and see the desperate need in his eyes. I free his length, and just from my touch, he looked in absolute bliss. It wasn't small, by any means, but not large, like me. I take him whole in my mouth, and he loses it, moaning and gasping, his hands gripping the sheets in fists.

" A-alex! Oh sweet fucking christ, yes!" 

As I make sure every inch is sucked and licked, I let my hands wander, tracing every swell of muscle, and I could taste the salt, meaning he was close. 

" Alex, I-oh god." 

I pulled back with a pop, and grinned.

" You got lube or no?" 

" Yeah, bed side table drawer." 

He was a panting mess, and I loved how his hair was sticking to his forehead from the sweat. I removed his boxers completely off, as well as my own. I found the small bottle quickly, letting Sam catch his breath for a few, before opening the bottle, and applying the cool liquid to my fingers. 

" Sam, I need you to relax, or it's going to hurt like a bastard." 

" Right."

I set the bottle down, and kissed Sammy, my lubricated fingers gently teasing his tight muscle, earning a very elicit moan as my lips assaulted his neck, and as I stretched him, he was panting hard, and I could tell he was scared. 

" Sammy, I need you to relax or it's going to hurt." 

" I know, I just don't want to hurt you." 

I gave him a small laugh, and kissed him deeply. " You won't hurt me, and besides, a little pain isn't such a bad thing to me." 

" Oh, ok." 

He kissed me deeply, and took that as a good sign, allowing me to carefully grab the small bottle, and applied it liberally to myself. 

" Now, understand, I'm bigger than most men, so I'm sorry in advance." 

I carefully push just the head in, and I could tell he didn't believe me when I said I was big. 

" Told you so." 

" Holy fucking Chuck just how big are you?!"

" Easily 10 inches. Are you sure you wish to still do this? I can handle a no, Sam. I don't want to hurt you."

He kissed me, and smiled. 

" Do it. Better now than later." 

" If you need to, bite my shoulder. I don't mind."

I push in a bit more, and his teeth sunk into my flesh, and it was bliss. I had finally fully sheathed inside him, blood from his biting dripped down my chest, but I honestly loved it. I could feel his nails in my back, and as I moved, slowly, and surly, I could tell he was loving it. As I picked up pace, he let go of my shoulder, and let out a very heavy moan. 

" Yes, right there!" 

I smile, and as I pound his prostate, I pull him closer, my face buried in his neck as I sucked and licked it, leaving a very obvious hickey, his moaning and whimpers were music in my ear. As I got closer, it wasn't long until I felt him release, and I was quick to follow suit. I carefully pulled out, and collapsed next to him. He looked like such a hot mess, my blood and the hickey, as well as proof of our fun, I never wanted to forget this. 

" You...you broke..me..."

" Nah, not yet, but I'll take the compliment."

" I dont think..I can walk." 

" I wouldn't try it. Give me a second, and I'll clean us up, alright?" 

" Yeah..wait, your shoulder. I bit down hard. How are you healed already?" 

" Remember that surgery? It prevents me from taking any minor injury, and serious ones take an hour to heal from. I have a special biotechnological upgrade that makes me a super soldier of sorts." 

" That is amazing! Oh I can't wait to see you hunt." 

" I can't either, Sammy, I can't either."    

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