:Let My Love Open The Door:

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TW: slight lemon


We got back to the Bunker, and Seras was the first to get up, tackling Dean. Integra pulled Alucard aside, and they went to talk. Alex took my hand and guided me to my room, and locked the door. 

" Sam, I know how you feel about me. I only have one response for you." 

He knew? How did he know? I face him, and his slight bit of height to be taller made me look up a small bit to meet his eyes. I hadn't ever seen them so green, so vibrantly bright and intense. I was scared, I knew he could kill me, and yet, I wouldn't blame him if he did. He placed a gentle, calloused hand to my face, and smiled, before kissing me deeply. Out of all possibilities, this one somehow didn't exist, yet it was as real as the air he was knocking out of me. I felt him pull me closer by my lower back, his larger hand spreading to keep me close, the scruff of his beard was strange, but overall, I was in bliss. He tasted like menthol tobacco, no doubt from the smokes he chained on our way back.

His lips were soft, yet strong, like he was. I wrapped my arms around his sinewy shoulders, and I felt him slide a hand from my head down to my lower back, and with ease that startled me, he lifted me, forcing my legs around his barreled and somehow overly defined waist. He was a cinder block of muscle, and it was somehow thrilling knowing that he used them to hunt. I felt the softness of my bed, and once we broke for air, seeing him above me was breath taking. 

" I know, not the response you were expecting, huh?" 

" But..you..papacy..."

" Eh, don't ask, don't tell. I've been like this since I was a young lad. Now, here's my question to you. Just how far do you want this to go? Merely ask, and I'm all yours, Sammy."

" So you aren't mad at me?" 

" Nope. I gave myself space because I didn't want to seem overbearing and I was trying to control myself. You really are quite the hunter, Sammy. Now, are you gonna answer my question, or no?"

I kissed him, and with ease, changed it to where he was pinned to the bed, a chuckle ringing from his chest. I pull back, and he gives me a very dazed smile. 

" I know you are new to this, so I'll go at whatever speed you want, Sammy."

" Seriously?" 

He puts his hands to his sides, and gives me a gentle kiss. " Seriously. I won't do anything you don't want me to." 

I shrug out of my flannel, not once moving from straddling Alex, tossing both of my shirts to the side, and I noticed how Alex's eyes dilated. He did find me attractive. He went to touch me, but hesitated, until I gave him a nod. His calloused hands went right for my tattoo, and gave a strange look at it. 

" What's the story here?" 

" It's an anti-possession star. Dean has a matching one in the same place. We got them shortly after we both had a bad run of it." 

" I think I might get one myself. Seems dead useful."

I tugged on his shirt, and was rewarded with it's removal and a giggle. He was littered in scars, and one lone, small brand looking scar. A roman 13, right under his collar bone. I gingerly touch it, and his smile falters for a brief moment.

" A reminder I belong to the Vatican as it's loyal guard dog against the supernatural forces of the world." 

" You don't belong to anyone." 

" Not even you?" 

He phrased it as a question, but I heard the worried hurt in his tone. I kiss him, and his hands pulled me close, and I held him in a close hug, my chin resting on his head. 

" Only to me, just like I belong to you. I love you, Alex. I don't understand it, but I do."

" I love you too, Sammy, my handsome fallen angel." 

" My big, bad priest." 

" I want to stay here, in the states with you and Dean. I don't want to go back. I don't want to hide behind that stupid collar anymore. I just want you. I want to hunt by your side." 

" Then do it. Go AWOL. Just stay here." 

" I'll be deported. I'm not a citizen." 

" Well, I am, and I'm willing to do anything to keep you here." 

" What could you possibly do to keep me here?"

" Well, it's a bit sudden, but it is an option. Others have done it for worse things." 

" Spit it out, Sammy." 

" I could marry you." 

His face lit up like the Eiffel tower at night, and he looked ready to cry. 

" You'd take such a big step just to keep me with you? Don't you think that's a bit sudden and risky?" 

" Eh, risky and sudden are kinda how me and Dean roll. I can't tell you how many times we've died, come back, made deals, the whole slew of stupid shit we've done, and thats just for each other. I love you, Alex, and I don't want to lose you."

Alex gave me a kiss, one full of gratitude and tears. After a bit, Alex calmed down. 

" Do you just want to rest and cuddle for a bit, big guy?" 

" Yes. I am dead on my feet, and it'll be nice to not sleep alone." 

I gave a chuckle, and got up, kicking off my boots, as did Alex, and we just curled up under the covers, his massive arm over me, keeping me close, his chin resting just above my head, and we stayed like that until we both passed out.  

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