:With A Little Help From My Friends:

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I was enjoying a beer and listening to the radio with Jody, when I hear the old familiar sound of the Impala pull in. Did Sam and Dean come to visit, or to work, that was always the question. I saw they had a tall, scarlet coated bastard with them, and he looked out of place with the boys I had come to call my adopted sons. I greet them at the door, and Sam looked pale, scared, and his eyes were full of hurt. 

" Howdy boys, who's this, and why you here?" 

" We need to rescue someone Bobby. We need your help."

" Ok, that's one question, now answer the other one." 

" Bobby, this is Alucard, a friend of ours. He's a vampire, yes, but he's, for lack of a better word, domesticated." 

" Fuck you, Dean I am not domesticated." 

" Keep tellin' yourself that." 

" Fine, get in here. Who the hell you lookin' for anyway?" 

" His name is Father Alexander Anderson, a hunter for the Vatican. He was nabbed last night by a coven and we need to get him out." 

" Howdy boys, how are you two doin?"

" Hey Jody."

Jody gave both the boys a hug, and this Alucard guy looked a bit out of place. Jody looked him up and down, before going into the kitchen, and coming back with three beers. 

" So, just who is this Father Anderson, and if he really is a hunter for the Vatican, you'd think he can take care of himself."

" Jody, it's different. This coven worked with demons. The demons told the vampires to hold him until the next slave trade came to town. We have the vampire to keep them in line, so to speak, but we need your local knowledge of where the fuck we can find them."

" Well, a old run down saw mill did just get some new traffic. Maybe thats where they are. You could go check later tonight. Claire and Alex are in school right now, and they should be back soon, which means they're going to want to have dinner right when they get back."

" Where is this abandoned saw mill, miss?"

" Oh it's over out in the middle of damn near nowhere. You'd need a car to get there, and besides, with your aversion to the sun, best you just bunker down and sit tight for right now. Sam, come help me in the kitchen, Dean, if you, Bobby, and your friend want to go and prep for tonight, be my guest."


I followed Jody into the kitchen, and instantly, she was in mom mode.

" I can tell this Alex kid means more to you than you are letting on."

" Jody, he's 45. He's not a kid, and he's just a hunter I get along with." 

" Uh-huh. Does he know that you 'get along' with him a bit too well?" 

I took a sigh, and she hands me a chicken to break down, along with the knife to do it. I start to work, and I feel a stray tear leak out. 

" Jody, I've never felt like this about anyone, especially a dude. I don't know how Dean will take it, hell how Bobby or even Alex himself will take it."

I pull out Alex's cross, having put it on to keep it safe, planning on repairing his glasses later on. The heavy silver pendant offers me a strength I never knew. He offers me a strength I never knew. 

" Sam, kiddo, I know love when I see it. If you don't tell him after getting him out, I'll smack you so hard you'll see stars for days." 

I give a small laugh, using my sleeve to wipe my eyes dry, and place the broken down chicken into a oven pan with the potatoes and carrots Jody had cut up. 

" So, what's he look like? Gotta be a pretty boy to make you stop and stare slack jawed." 

" He's handsome, Jody. Slightly bigger than me, but not by much, easily 6'9". He's a walking mountain of muscle, and his scars are like stars on his sun kissed skin. He has these green eyes like a evergreen tree, and his hair is the color of pale wheat, and the military cut makes his square jaw look even more so. He is just so damn perfect, it hurts, Jody." 

 " I have never heard you so happy to talk about someone, Sammy. And if he is as you described, he must be pretty."

" Who is, Mom? Hey, Sammy." 

" Oh, Claire, Alex, welcome home! Dinner is getting made, why don't you go say hi to Dean and Bobby. We do have a new guest, and Alex, we know what and who he is, but please try to be nice." 

" Yes, Mom."

Claire still had in her braids, now sporting color in one of them as a bright pink, while Alex had a bright blue one in hers. They both dropped their bags by the door, kicked off their shoes, and left. 

" When did they get the-" 

" Bright colors? A day trip with a friend of theirs. It's small, so I don't mind. They knew I'd only allow something small like that. Now, how did you two meet?" 

I filled Jody in on the guests at the Bunker, and she laughed at how Charlie was smitten with Integra, and how Dean was being a good and loyal man with Seras. 

" Dean in love with a fledgling, I never thought I'd see the day. She must be pretty." 

" Buxom British blonde cherub is the best description of this young woman."

" She sounds wonderful. Seems you lot have a soft spot for blondes." 

I chuckle, and finished helping get dinner done, Alucard choosing to go outside and have a smoke while we ate. We still had a few hours before complete sundown, so I helped the girls with their homework, Dean and Bobby talking about Seras and laughing, while Jody went outside to talk to Alucard.       

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