:Lucky Man:

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I noticed how cozy Alex and Sam were, how not even a few seconds through the door, they ran off like two dogs going for their favorite bone, and so I pulled Charlie aside to talk.

" Hey, Charlie, is Sam feeling ok?" 

" Um, that depends, Dean." 

" Why are him and Alex so close?" 

" That's not my place, Dean. All I'm going to say is if you make a big fuss, I will personally make your life hell." 

She left, and I felt confused, more than ever. I go back into the main living area, and found Seras, reading a romance novel. She really was the perfect girl, and now knowing what I do, I understand why Alucard was so stubborn. I walk over, and sit next to her.

" Hey, Seras, I was wondering something. Would you like to go on a date with me sometime?"

" Oh, uh, well, what did you have in mind?" 

" We could go stargazing, maybe split a bottle of wine, listen to some good tunes."

" That sounds wonderful, actually. Yeah, I would like to."

She smiled, got up, and kissed my cheek, before leaving and vanishing around the corner. I smirk, and the next few hours, I scroll on the laptop to find the best place in Kansas to take Seras to see the stars.

" Dean, why are you on my laptop, you know I hate it when you do that!" 

I pop my head up out of the screen to find Sam, shirtless, and very much like he woke up from a nap. 

" Sorry, you vanished so I looked it up myself. By the way, we need to talk."

" Yeah, we do." 

" My room?"

" Yes, please." 

We go to my room, and I lock it for the privacy. 

" Ok, now I'm going-"

" Dean, Alex wants to stay with us." 

" Wait, what? Padre wants to stay with us? Why?" 

" Because...me and him..are kinda dating now." 

I did not just hear what I think I did. 

" I must be hearing shit. You and him are what now?" 

" Dean, I'm in love with Alex, and he loves me. He wants to come and live here with us." 

" Sam, that's insanity! You aren't gay!" 

" I don't know what I am, all I know is I love Alex and I'm willing to do everything to keep him with me!" 

I sat down at the foot of my bed, and remembered what Charlie had said. Sam must've talked to her about it and knowing her, she was a better conversationalist about this than I ever could be. I take a deep breath, and look up at him, the same old puppy dog look he always gets when he really cares about something, or rather, someone. I took a deep breath once more, stood up, and gave Sam a hug. 

" I don't think I'll ever understand, but I do know you are still my brother, and it is still my job to take care of you. I don't know how we'll keep him from being deported, but we'll figure it out. We always do." 

" Well, Alex and I already talked, and it was my idea that maybe, I marry him. They can't deport him if he's my husband." 

" Sam...I love you bro...but that is absolute insanity." 

" Dean, our lives are absolute insanity! Why shouldn't our love lives be any different!? Look, you love a vampiress! I love a man who's willing to turn his back on everything he's ever known for a new start with me! Please, help me!" 

I knew he was right, that didn't mean I liked it. I sighed, and looked at my brother with all the absolute don't give a fuck I had. 

" Are you certain about this? Do you really love him that much?"

" Yes. I didn't even love Jess like this."

The fact he brought up his dead ex-girlfriend told me all I needed to know. 

" Fine. I'll go grab the paperwork the first chance I can. I have a date tonight to get ready for, so go wake up your prince charming and tell him the good news."

" Thank you Dean!" 

Sam left my room, but looked to go towards the kitchen instead of his room. I step out to find Alex, also shirtless, looking a bit groggy. 

" Sorry if the screamin' woke you up." 

" It's fine. I want to thank you. Sam deserves some joy in his life, I'm just glad I can provide it." 

" That he does. You are one lucky son of a bitch, I hope you know that." 

He gave a deep chuckle, and left, making me wonder if they took the plunge. Part of me knows Sammy too well, and the other part knows Sammy is impulsive. I shook it off and brushed it off. That is not an image I need in my head, is my baby brother being a bottom. I go to the kitchen, and caught Alex and Sam kissing, and it jarred me a bit. 

" Good god, not near the food, you two! For fucks sake, go to your room if your gonna do that."

They both laughed at my expense, and I went over to the wine cellar, only to hear Alex speak up.

" What, not fond of baby brother being my bottom bitch?" 

" No, no I'm fucking not, damn it!" 

They laugh, but I really didn't like of thinking Sam, the gentle giant of a baby brother I have, being a literal bitch.

" Whatever, Jerk. By the way, she likes white wine, try for something fruity." 

" Shut up, Bitch. I know that." 

I didn't, but he didn't need to know that. I hear them leave, and I find a bottle of strawberry white wine. Seras should love this. I wrap it in a towel, along with two glasses, and made my way to my room to change. I knew she'd want something classy, so I did a clean white shirt with a freshly ironed flannel, and waited for it to be sun down. 

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