:Life's Been Good:

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Master had said that she needed to go home to me last night, and so I felt bad that Seras had to come back with me. I pulled Dean aside, and he looked worried. 

" Dean, I'm going to level with you. Seras adores you, I can feel it through our bond, but sadly, she has to come back with me. Just know, even with an ocean in between you two, she will only ever love you. Once she completes her transformation, I'll gladly send her right to you, but understand she'll need to eat, and once she's a true Draculina, she'll be the strongest vampire in the states. She will be a countess in my court, the queen of the vampires. Her status in rank alone won't be enough to protect you, but she will still be your best bet of protection." 

" So once it's known she's with a human, let alone a hunter, it's going to paint a target on my back." 

" Correct. Just know you are protected in my court, but that can only get you so far. Once I'm gone, it all falls on Seras to run my empire for the next thousand years, and she will need a knight to watch over her, protect her, and love her. Are you up for the task?"

He looks lost in thought, and gives me a smile I've come know means he's being serious, but lightening the mood. 

" Yeah, until I finally die for good, I'll be what you expect from me. I can take care of her." 

" Good. If anyone is looking for me, tell them I went for a quick walk." 

" Will do." 

I left Dean, and made my way outside, a blue moon in the sky, and the crossroad was desolate. I removed my glove, and bit my finger, letting the blood hit the center of the cross, and in an instant, Crowley was here. 

" Hello, Vlad. What do you want?" 

" I want to make a deal." 

" Oh really? And just what is the price?" 

" Let me tell you the deal, then we can talk price." 

" Fine, hit me, Impaler."

" I want to give Dean my remaining years, and give my crown to my fledgling. I want to be a mortal man once more, and when I finally die as a human, I'll accept my fate as a denizen of hell and rot there for all eternity as Lucifer's personal slave." 

" Yeah, big boss man is still very mad at you, hence the blood curse. So in exchange for making your fledgling the new Queen of all vampires, and making Dean Winchester live an extra 200 years, you'll pay with your very life once you've lived it as a mortal man, and be Lucifer's butt slave once again? I don't see how this benefits you at all. Sounds like suicide, you ask me."

" I was a 46 year old man when I died and became this. Most humans now days live to see 80, and given my line of work, it could very well be much sooner. This isn't suicide, its for me to have a chance at last minute happiness, happiness I am more than overdue in collecting, I might add. All my power, all my souls, all of my abilities will go to my fledgling, my spare lives will go to Dean, allowing them to be happy for a while, and with those spare lives comes the inability to die until they are up. Even if Dean tries to gamble them away, he won't be able to."

" Alright, I get it. You want a chance to be a happy, mortal man for the remainder of the human life you were robbed of, and in exchange, your fledgling becomes Queen, Dean becomes a temporary immortal, and when you finally croak, you'll give your life and soul to Lucifer himself?" 

" Correct. I was his former vessel, I will be once more. He will leave Sam alone." 

" Alright, sounds like a deal to me, Tepes." 

" Seal it, Crowley, like we did all those centuries ago." 

Crowley chuckled, before slicking his hand open, and I did my own, our blood binding to form the contract. I knew demons nowadays did kissing as a form of sealing the deal, but Crowley knew better than to try that with me. I felt my powers leave me, the binds breaking, and for the first time in centuries, I had a heartbeat. I could breathe. The air tasted hot, muggy, and beautiful. My senses dulled, and everything became harder to see. I was human. 

" You might wanna shave, Vlad. That mustache looks kinda like a pedophiles." 

" Shut up. Mind dropping me off, since I can't exactly walk back?"

" Fine. I don't need the Winchester brothers down my throat. By the way, your boss, how do you plan on explaining this to her?" 

" I can handle Sir Integra. It's Seras I'm worried about." 

In a blink, I was back at the bunker, and I could hear the commotion inside. I walk in, calm and collected. I saw the power in Seras now, and she never looked more beautiful. Everyone, especially Dean, was trying to calm her down. I knew the power surge would hurt, it did me when I got it, but it was a pain she'd feel either now or later.   

" Master, what did you do?!"

" Alucard- oh, oh my. Your eyes, they're green. Why are they green?" 

" I also have a heartbeat, I can breathe, and am no longer the vampire king. That title if now Seras'. She is the true No-Life Queen, and Dean is her immortal knight. I made a deal with an old friend, and now, I'm as human as you, Sir Integra." 

" Immortal, you mean I can't die?!" 

" Not quite. You have an extended lifespan that can't be extinguished until said added years are all used up. I had 200 years left, figured you could use them more than I could, after all, you have a Queen to protect, do you not? And who better than say, a hunter with years of experience and now has the bulletproof flesh to prove it?"

" And how much did it cost?"

" A fate I was already destined for, so don't stress out too much about it. Seras, with you now as the Queen, you no longer need to return with me and Sir Integra. You can stay here if you wish to." 

" Master-" 

" Please, it's Vlad, not Alucard, not Master, just Vlad."

Seras gave me the same old smile, and she hugged me, tears in her eyes.

" Thank you, Vlad." 

" Anything for the one fledgling I called my princess. I know I never said it before, but do know I do care about you." 

" I love you too."

" Vlad, it's not just the two of us, Charlie is coming too. She wants to move in with me, and I have more than ample space, and she very well could do well at Hellsing as your new partner in the field?" 

" Are you asking your employee if I'm ok with this idea or are you ordering it, Sir Integra?"

" Well, more like implying, but yes, it can be an order if it needs to be." 

I give her a smile, and she returned it wholly. 

" I'd be honored to fight by Charlie's side, my master." 

" Oh shut up, you old bat." 

Integra gave me a hug, and I returned it, knowing everything was going perfectly for once in my miserably long life.   

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