Knowing where she put her stash, he pulled a paper plate and fork out and sliced himself a piece. He took a strawberry and fed her one which she happily took.

"Who gave you these?" Hoseok wondered.

"Not sure. You all came to me and Jungkook's dinner." She shrugged as she inspected the flowers until she found a little note inside. "Maybe my dad?"

"This is a two in one gift." He spoke as he forked some cake. "No offense, Nickel. But this came from the most expensive bakery in the city, no way your dad bought this. It's worth probably a thousand."

When she read the card, her pupils slowly dilated as she choked on her spit. She couldn't believe it. Was she reading this correctly? Was this real? Were these from—

"Pen, you okay?" Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows as he looked over from her side to see what she read.

"Well, it's not from my dad." She stifled a chuckle.


Even though it became a habit for Penny to work overtime, she decided to leave at her regular time. She drove back to her apartment where she roomed with her loving companion after deciding to move out of the house two years ago. It was much smaller but she felt comfortable and better about it.

Once she walked in carrying her things, she was hit with him serenading her. He had on a pink apron and held the wooden spoon like a microphone.

"Let me help you. Take off your shoes, untie your shoestrings. Take off your cufflinks, what you wanna eat, boo? Let me feed you. Let me run your bathwater. Whatever your desire, I'll supply ya!" He sang passionately as he took the vase and box away from her. He grabbed her hand and led her towards a table with some pizza he ordered for them and a big bottle of sprite.

Penny couldn't help but bit her lips, restricting the amount of laughter and shame she had within her. For some reason, he always had the need to do this despite her never wanting it.

"Inspire me from the heart, can't nothing tear us apart. You're all I want in a woman, I put my life in your hands. I got your slippers, your dinner, your dessert and so much more. Anything you want, I wanna cater to you." He caroled as he grinds on the side of the table, harming her eyes.

"Jimin, you know you don't need to do this." She cackled as she shook her head.

"Well, I have a lot of time off and you're my busy chairwoman roomie!" Jimin reasoned. "I want you to come back and relax."

So yes, Jimin has been her roommate for two years. The past four years he's been traveling back and forth from home and New York for his modern dancing events. He danced on Broadway, performed at recitals. But since it got too hectic for him, he decided on staying back home to focus on his dance career here for the time being. He's currently working at the same entertainment company as Yoongi as the performance director.

Since he wanted to officially reside here, he searched for a roommate which coincidentally Penny also needed to help with the rent. I mean why not? They knew each other obviously and wanted someone by their side in these times.

"I see that you cleaned up our place." Her eyes scanned their pristine apartment and smelt the strong chemicals of the detergent and bleach. "How unlike you. What else did you do today?"

Her best friend shrugged, "Besides that, I basically watched a new drama. It's spicy."

"Oooh, about?"

"Don't wanna spoil much because I think you'd want to watch it, but it involves a whole lot of secrets between two people and their group of friends. There are so many relationships but I watched the first three episodes and I've already held my breath the entire time through." Jimin passionately explained. "It's also very explicit."

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