Chapter 35

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Two weeks later, Aeryn and Sehyun had realized that the other wasn't so bad through their limited interaction. Both of them stayed on their own ships after the White Crow was fixed within three days. It hadn't sustained as much damage as Iona made it sound.

On the other hand, Juele, Maya, Reyna, Iona, and Illorin had all started their journey to Auber. Juele and Reyna spoke more often and Maya annoyed Illorin with focus. Iona had resulted in becoming the "mom" in the group despite her constant claims that she had no sense of responsibility. Not like Reyna.

Occasionally, Juele would remember Brooks and Reyna would miss her brothers. Maya would recall Sehyun and Illorin would recall the mango tree he once found on Querilke and the silence of his bedroom.

Back on the Black Egret, Sehyun counted down the days until he would meet Marty. In precisely seven days, he would be reunited with his best friend and official gunner. He'd even resulted in singing improvised songs of Marty's return.

"You must be wondering why I summoned you, Aeryn and Erel," Sehyun said, standing on the deck of the Black Egret.

"Not really," Aeryn replied, crossing her arms. "You told us why in the little note you sent."

For a moment, Sehyun felt out of place. "Moving on. I summoned you here to hear everything you know. You know the boss by name, meaning you have a good source. I would like to hear more than, 'I told you enough.'" He spoke more to Erel than Aeryn.

Before Erel could reply, Aeryn put a hand in front of her chest and said, "How about you tell us why you're trying so hard to save the world? At this point, you might very well be the biggest mass murderer on the planet."

Sehyun closed his eyes and inhaled. Every time that topic arose, she would become so skeptical. Otherwise, she maintained intelligent conversation with him in a way that didn't drain his energy. If Marty were there, he would've been the one talking. "I know I don't come off as noble and humble, but when I can do something, I like to help."


"I'm serious." He ran a hand down his face. "I wasn't originally planning on doing anything. I had planned on simply complying with them to keep myself and my ships safe. But Suzy brought up her suspicion that the muscle-man and his boss might be the reason three of my ships are underwater. She also brought up some other things that managed to convince me.

"When I ran into you coincidentally in Waihg, gears spun in my head. I would love to share more," he unclenched his fists and loosened his shoulders, "but I don't know you well enough."

Satisfied with his answer, she smiled, not pleasantly, though. She smiled like a fox. "Alright. I'll help you in your grand scheme. Not because I'm fond of you or your way of life, but because I'm a lot more righteous than you. You might be all high and mighty for yourself instead of the good of the world. Instead of trying to prevent this war—that still sounds very fake to me."

Erel sighed. Here came the mumbling. Aeryn had brought it upon herself to complain about Sehyun's over sharing and under sharing, but she failed to realize that she did the same thing.

"How is it that there is tension between the two countries? Just because Auber intercepted an export and because Tereline allowed a mishap to occur at the border?"

"It's not just that," Sehyun started. "The Fiores and the Djords have had tension for generations. It's a lot more personal than you might think."

"Then how come Maya and Juele don't have the same thought process as their fathers?"

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