Chapter 28: Positive

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It's been a little over a month now since Rosalie and Emmett took Rayna's elixir. Rosalie has officially missed her period and it's been five days since her missed period. Carmen has done left to go to the nearest town to buy a pregnancy test.

"I don't feel tingly like I did before," Emmett claims.

"That's a good thing," Rayna whispers, knowing Rosalie is too far to hear. "That means you're going to be a dad."

Emmett's eyes widen and her glances at the witch beside him. "Seriously?"

"Yes," Rayna replies. "This is a good thing."

Emmett grins. "Yeah... it is."

"Raelynn, have you heard from your coven?" Aro asks his daughter figure as she sits on the steps of the throne.

"Rayna called me this morning and said Rosalie is showing signs of pregnancy," Rae replies. "So, the elixir seeks to be working. Carmen Denali has went to the store for a test apparently."

"That's good," Aro replies. "I'm happy for them."

"As am I," Raelynn claims. "As am I."

Rosalie has just peed on a pregnancy test and her nerves are about to drive her crazy, literally. She has five minutes to wait until the results come. Carmen said that the store manager said that this test was their most accurate test they have.

Emmett sits in the living room on between Eleazar and Carlisle on the couch. He's nervous. He hopes that the test really is positive. Emmett really does want to be a father.

Esme and Rayna are standing outside the bathroom, waiting for Rosalie. Jasper and the rest of the Denali are out for a hunt. According to Rayna, the elixir turned Rosalie human long enough for her to have a baby. And her blood drove most of them out.

Alice and Marianna are sitting outside of the Denali home, waiting for the word from a human Rosalie.

Rosalie lets out an excited shriek after five minutes. Jasper feels her happiness as he walks out of the woods and immediately knows that the test was positive. Rosalie Hale is pregnant with a baby, Emmett's baby.

Rosalie stares in the mirror in Eleazar and Carmen's bedroom, looking at her flat stomach. The smile hasn't left her face once since she found out she was pregnant.

She is one month pregnant. A little over. Rosalie was one month pregnant on January 22nd, and it's the 26th now.

"When will I give birth?" Rosalie asks.

"Probably around September 22nd," Rayna replies. "Now, would you like to remain human or go back to immortality?"

"I can stay human?" Rosalie asks.

"I have an elixir," Rayna says.

Rosalie sighs. "I'll have to talk to Emmett, but I might go back to immortal."

"All right," Rayna replies as she touches Rosalie's shoulder. "Let me know, yeah?"

"I'll let you know," Rosalie says. "I'm hungry."

"Esme is cooking something Raelynn taught her once," Rayna says. "Come on."

Rayna reads her email from Rosalie and she runs through the castle. "Dad!"

Aro looks up from his hands when Raelynn comes running into the throne room calling out 'dad'. He goes to sigh but he sees the look on her face.

"I take it Rayna's elixir worked," Aro says gently, Sulpicia smiles at her husband's tone he uses with the human he feels responsible for.

"Yes, it worked," Rae says. "It turned Rosalie human while she's pregnant."

"I suppose I should send the baby a rattle when it's born," Aro muses. "To congratulate the mates in their new baby."

Rae smiles widely before she runs out again. Felix and Demitri groan before they take off after her... again. Aro smiles.

"Her energy is something out of this world," Caius claims. "Teenagers."

Rosalie finishes eating the Italian meal and she goes into her room, where Emmett is waiting. He smiles at his pregnant, temporarily human wife. He holds out an arm and Rosalie snuggles with him, while wrapped in a thick blanket, and she falls to sleep. 

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