Chapter 29

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Chaeyoung furrowed her brows at Jisoo. 

"You want to talk to me?" The blonde asked, pointing at herself. 

"Yes. Preferably with clothes." Jisoo said getting off of the bed and putting on her jeans, rummaging around to find her shirt. 

A throat cleared and she snapped her head to see Park Chaeyoung holding her top. "Looking for this?" Jisoo walked over and snatched it out of her hands, putting it on. 

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes at the aggressive behaviour and slowly put on her own clothes. 

Jisoo sat down onto the bed with a huff, slowly becoming impatient with how long the blonde was taking. Although she wasn't complaining with the little show Chaeyoung was giving her at the moment. 

"What happened? If it has to do with what I told Lisa, I was only joking." She plopped down on the spot beside the now annoyed player. 

"It didn't sound like much of joke." Jisoo grumbled under her breath. "Don't be such a snowflake Jisoo. I make comments like that all the time." 

That seemed to be the wrong choice of words as the older only got more annoyed. "That's the thing Chaeyoung. I don't know if you realize, but I like you. A lot. And judging by your actions and words, it doesn't feel the same way." Jisoo spoke her mind for once. 

Park Chaeyoung became taken aback with the straight forwardness. 


"We've never been out anywhere. The only places we meet up is at your house or mine and the only thing we do is have sex." Jisoo continued, standing up in front of the blonde to make her point. 

"We haven't told anyone about us and you make it seem like we're in some sort of an arrangement more than a relationship." 

For once, Chaeyoung didn't have a witty remark to make or a point to argue with. It was true. 

She crossed her arms and looked towards the ground.  few moments passed and Jisoo was slowly regretting the tantrum she just threw. Until Chaeyoung murmured something. 

"I didn't want you to get hurt." 

The head cheerleader said it practically under her breath, but Jisoo heard it. "What do you mean?" The older girl asked, sitting back next to her. 

Chaeyoung gulped down the sudden knot in her throat. "I've tanked every relationship I've been in. In case you haven't noticed, I'm practically a ticking time bomb." She looked up and her eyes were slightly glossy. 

"It's only a matter of time before I get you hurt too." She sniffed and wiped her eyes, trying not to breakdown.  

Jisoo frowned. "That's not true." She denied. The older tried to remove Chaeyoung's hands from her face, but the blonde shook her head. 

"Don't try to make me feel better Jisoo. I've ruined people. I even ruined your best friend. I don't know what's wrong with me!" She exclaimed and shot up from her seat. 

Jisoo jumped a little at the sudden movement.

"It's like I have some sort of a disease where I just spit out the exact opposite of what I'm feeling at times! I didn't mean to ask Lisa if she wanted a threesome! I wanted her to get the fuck out of here!" 

"It didn't seem like it." Jisoo murmured, still feeling that wound sting a little as Chaeyoung mentioned it. 

"Exactly!" The blonde yelled and sighed deeply. "I'll understand if you don't want anything to do with me after this. I'll stop this whole thing we going on."

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