Chapter 7

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"What about this?" Nayeon asked as she rummaged through Jennie's closet and pulled out a dress. 

"You're going to a party, not prom. You can tone down the fanciness." Jennie commented, not looking up from her book. She adjusts her glasses and continues on reading.

Soon enough an article of clothing gets thrown at her. "Hey! This is my closet you're raiding!" Jennie took the top off of her and tossed it back at Nayeon. "Yah, a useless raid." 

"Ooh, I know what you can wear." Her best friend came out with a pair of short shorts and a crop top. Jennie blushed at that. "Maybe not." She responded. Nayeon sighed. "Why did you buy them if you weren't going to wear it?" She argued and put the clothes on Jennie's bed. 

She grabbed an outfit for herself and changed, not bothering to cover herself up in front of Jennie. "There. Perfect. Now you change before Lisa comes to get you, although the party's just next door." 

Jennie put down her book and slid off of her bed, walking over to her window. Which was coincidentally right in front of Chaeyoung's window. 

Opening it, the music raided her house and Jennie grimaced from the loud beat that seemed to be going in sync with her heartbeat.

"I'll wear the crop top, but find me some jeans." Jennie said without looking at Nayeon. "Alright!"

"Woah." Lisa breathed out as she saw Jennie open the door for her. "You look amazing." She commented, looking at Jennie's outfit. She trailed her eyes up and frowned as she looked at her face. 

"You're not wearing your frames?" Lisa asked in confusion, missing those round rimmed glasses on Jennie. The brunette smiled and shook her head. "You look amazing too." Jennie commented, noticing Lisa's legs were covered with a pair of jeans and she was wearing the school's varsity jacket as usual. "And I also wear contacts sometimes, so yah." Jennie answered her. 

"I thought I told you to cover up." Lisa asked teasingly as she saw Jennie shiver from a cool breeze of wind that flew in. "I didn't wear shorts, as you requested." Lisa wiggled her legs, making Jennie laugh. The captain looked up in awe and there she confirmed that Jennie Kim was definitely an angel. 

"Oh! Hi. Hello. I'm Nayeon!" Nayeon said as she pushed past Jennie and shook Lisa's hand enthusiastically again. Lisa chuckled. "Yah, I remember you from a couple hours ago." 

"So, let's get going?" Lisa suggested and tilted her head outside. Jennie nodded and turned back to yell that she was leaving.

"Mom! Dad! I'm going!" Her dad responded back with a 'fine', but Jennie's mother rushed to the door. "Alright remember no drugs, alcohol, or anything you wouldn't do in my presence. Just picture me beside you at all times, alright?" Chaerin said hugging Jennie and pecking her on the forehead. 

Jennie grimaced as she tried to pull away. "Yes I know!" 

Lisa chuckled from behind her. "Don't worry Miss Chaerin, I promise to take good care of Jennie, both of them." She motioned towards Nayeon as well. 

"Thank you Lisa." Jennie's mom said in gratitude and faced Jennie. "Goodbye and have fun. But not too much fun." She said before letting them go. 

Lisa descended the porch and pulled up her bike, walking it alongside her.

"Don't listen to whatever my mom tells you, she's just crazy sometimes." Jennie said as she walked beside Lisa, Nayeon trailing just behind her.

Coming up the house, a few people hugged Lisa, congratulating her. They were visibly drunk, as they stumbled around a few times. "Thanks guys." The younger girl said and looked back and Jennie and Nayeon to do a 'they're crazy' sign with her hand. 

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