Chapter 27

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Jisoo jumped slightly when a body sat onto the table she was eating at. Looking up, she was surprised to see her best friend.

"Lisa, what the hell?" Jisoo exclaimed and took another bite of her sandwich.

Lisa said nothing, but picked up the older girl's drink and took sip of it. The captain hummed, recognizing it as Sprite.

Jisoo snatched it out of her hand and glared. "What are you doing here Lisa? You don't have a break right now." She put down her lunch and focused all her attention on the silver haired.

Lisa shrugged innocently, sliding down onto the bench and sitting right in front of the raven haired. "I just wanted to hang out with you, is that such a crime?"

Hearing that explanation, Jisoo calmed down and relaxed her stance. "Alright."

"Why are you so tensed though? Did something happen?" The basketball captain asked. Jisoo just shook her head. "Nope. Just enjoying my lunch." She picked up her sandwich and awkwardly showed it off.

"Mmhm, yum." She said and took another big bite, finishing it. "Swho twasthee." She mumbled with her mouth full.

Lisa grimaced and nodded. "Ok then. I'll be off to class then. Don't forget that we have plans after school to go to that new arcade place." She reminded her and was about to get up and leave, but Jisoo held onto her arm.

"Uhm," She swallowed the food in her mouth before continuing. "I won't be able to come today, how about on the weekend instead?"

Lisa frowned, but nodded. "Why? Does Irene need you for something again?" She asked curiously.

Jisoo made a confused face before nodding vigorously. "Y-Yeah. She has to move some of her things around in her dorm so, you know."

"Ok, next weekend it is then." They shook hands and the bell rang, meaning Lisa had to hurry and get to class.

She got up and was about to leave, but she turned around. "And Chu, remember you can talk to me about anything, right?" She said. Jisoo avoided her eyes and nodded. "I know." She said quietly.

With that, Lisa left and Jisoo groaned, putting her head on the table.

Her phone buzzed and she flipped it over to see a text from Park Chaeyoung.

"Are you sure your house is empty after school today? I don't anyone walking in on our fun ;)"

Park Chaeyoung

Jisoo sighed and replied that her house would definitely be free, her mind in a haze merely from the words she had sent her. She had a dopey smile plastered on her face for the rest of the day, which surely helped erase the slight guilt she felt for lying to Lisa.

Lisa walked into class and sat down, deep in her thoughts. She only turned around when she saw Joy nudge Nayeon, who was busy chewing down on a granola bar.

"Hey, you have a pencil I can burrow?" The redhead asked and Lisa chuckled mentally as she saw Nayeon pout, silently saying goodbye to one of her pencils. The sight immediately reminded her of Jennie. No wonder those two are best friends.

She was about to reluctantly hand it over when Lisa spoke up.

"I got one Joy." Lisa said and tossed one of her pencils to the cheerleader. Joy smiled slightly in thanks before going back to her seat.

Nayeon scooted over so she was beside Lisa. "Thanks for saving me and my pencil." Lisa smiled widely. "No problem."

"Here." Nayeon said as she handed her a granola bar as compensation. Lisa laughed but took it.

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