Chapter 4

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Finished with yet another practice, Lisa walked to the locker room and slumped onto one of the benches. "Tired captain?" Momo, one of the basketball players asked. Lisa nodded and placed her elbows on her knees, running her fingers through her hair.

"Ay, cheer up Lisa." Jisoo patted her back and turned around to change. "We're gonna do just fine in the game. You're gonna do just fine." The raven haired said as she took her shirt off.

Lisa hummed and nodded. "Sorry, just stressed for no reason." She stood up and began to change as well. "So, my place tonight? I've got this sick new game yesterday." Jisoo said closing her locker and picking up her gym bag.

Lisa sighed and slipped on a hoodie. "I wish, but I gotta start studying for my English test. Plus my mom might be home today." Jisoo winced. "Yikes, Mama Manoban." She said and Lisa playfully punched her in the arm. "Shut up."

"What, she's one scary woman, just saying." The older girl chuckled and headed out of the locker room. "See you tomorrow." Lisa called after her.

After getting changed, Lisa headed on out herself.

Walking outside, she was surprised to see a familiar brunette stand with her head down. Lisa walked over to her and noticed she was reading a book.

"Hey." The captain said, startling Jennie who almost dove into the book. "Oh, hey." Jennie said as she raised her head to see Lisa. A light blush coated her cheeks and she hurriedly put her book away into her bag.

"You can continue reading if you want, sorry to bother you." Lisa walked closer and smiled. Jennie turned her head to face the almost desert parking lot. "It's alright." She said quietly.

She didn't know why, but something about Lisa made her throat contract and her heart leap.

"So, what are you doing here so late?" Lisa asked, trying to make some conversation. Jennie fixed her glasses. "Chess club." She murmured and Lisa nodded in understanding. "Cool. I never really got chess though, guess I'm not that smart." The younger said with a laugh.

Jennie looked over at her. "You're smart. Besides it's not about whether or not you're smart, it's all about strategy." She said. Lisa nodded. "You should teach me sometime." Lisa suggested and Jennie's cheeks went red again.

"Is your ride here yet?" Jennie shook her head. "My dad was supposed to pick me up, but it seems he forgot. I'll just walk home." The brunette stuffed her hands in her pockets and moved, but Lisa spoke up.

"I can give you a ride on my bike. It'll be fine." She jogged over and pulled the bike off of the bike rack. Lisa sat on it and rang the bell. "All aboard the Manoban express." She joked. Jennie laughed and walked up behind her. "Are you sure? You probably are already tired from practice, and you're going to have to pedal my extra weight too."

Lisa looked over her shoulder and smiled. "It's fine. Besides, you're probably tired from practice as well, so hop on."

"You think chess is a sport?" Jennie asked in shock at what Lisa said. Lisa gave her a weird look. "Of course chess is a sport. And I must say, it is hard." Jennie furrowed her brows. "But you don't do anything remotely athletic in chess. And it's a nerd's sport." Jennie added the last part quietly. 

Lisa's face softened at that. "Hey, in chess your brain is doing all the exercising, so I'd consider that a sport. Who cares if the others don't. And chess isn't a nerd's sport." Lisa ran her fingers through her bangs to fix them since the wind blew them wildly. "Does she not realize that she's melting me?" Jennie mentally complained watching Lisa carefully rearrange them. 

Seeing no more excuses, Jennie carefully stood on the back axels and held on tightly to Lisa's shoulders. Lisa gave Jennie one last blinding smile before taking off.

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