Chapter 10

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Skipped school today cuz I sneezed and coughed. Took one for the team and saved my friends from being sick as well. 😔✊🏼

"Lisa!" The captain stopped her play and looked over at the doors of the gymnasium, seeing Yeri wave at her. Lisa smiled tiredly and waved back. The cheerleader walked over to Lisa and gave her a wide smile. 

"Hey." Lisa said a little confused why Yeri decided to drop by in the middle of the basketball practice. "What are you doing here?" She asked. Yeri sighed feeling a little disappointed that Lisa didn't seem that happy to see her. 

"Well the cheerleaders have practice soon since tomorrow's is cancelled, so I just came here early." She placed her bag on the nearby bench and sat down, deciding to watch the players. A couple seconds later, Chaeyoung came through the doors. 

"Sweet mother of chicken heaven." 

Jisoo stopped in the middle of her drill to stare at the blonde headed beauty. Although this time, she managed to dodge the ball that was going to smack her in the face and caught it instead. 

Lisa rolled her eyes and threw her ball at Jisoo instead, hitting her on the back. "Ugh." Jisoo groaned, snapping out of her trance and rubbing her back. "What the hell?" She said, turning to Lisa who had a smile on her face.

"Focus." She said and turned around to continue practicing. Jisoo grumbled under her breath and jogged over to where Chaeyoung was sitting instead. 

"Hey." She greeted out of breath with a charming smile on her face, hoping Chaeyoung would somehow be swooned by it. The blonde gave her a tiny smile and waved. "Hi." Jisoo's smile widened. "Your party was amazing by the way." Jisoo mentioned, hoping Chaeyoung would at least think about their maekout session. 

"Mhm." She hummed in agreement. "It was crazy." She merely said. 

"Kim! Back on the court!" Coach Lee yelled from the side, spotting Jisoo talking to others. The raven haired girl sighed feeling disappointed and headed back, feeling a little weird inside. 

"Why don't you give her a chance?" Yeri nudged Chaeyoung with her elbow. "Not sure. I mean, she's cute and all, but she's a player." She reasoned. "Once she knows she won't be able to get into my pants, she'll move on to the next girl." Yeri became taken aback by that statement. "Don't you think you're being a little too harsh on her, she's had heart eyes for you for a solid couple of months."

 Their conversation ended after Coach Lee blew the whistle, signalling the end of practice.

"Ugh." Lisa heard a familiar voice just outside the school. As she approached them, a smile appeared on her face. 

"I'm starting to think you wait here purposely to get a ride from me." Lisa teased and Jennie turned around with wide eyes and a frightened expression. "God, you scared me." She said with a hand on her chest. "Also, it isn't that. My parents just keep forgetting that they have a second daughter sometimes." The brunette crossed her arms and grumbled. 

Lisa laughed. "So, wanna hop on my bike then?" She asked, already walking over to it and undoing the lock. Jennie shook her head in the negative. 

"Nu-uh, no offence but I'd rather walk then get on that death trap." Jennie declined the offer. Lisa frowned. "Alright." She walked her bike alongside her as she joined Jennie who began to head home. 

"I didn't say you had to walk with me." The brunette said, trying to hide the fact that she was melting with Lisa's actions. Lisa shrugged. "It's fine, but it would be better if you rode with me." Jennie shook her head, turning her offer down for the second time, although it was awfully tempting. 

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