Chpt. 11

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(Lily's p.o.v.)

I woke up at 9:30am. I woke up CC. "CC get up." I said poking his stomach. "What time is it?" "9:30." "Ugh do I have to?" "Do you want to know for sure if I have a child inside me?" "Okay I'll get up." We both got up and got ready and then CC drove us to the clinic.

"Hi, I would like to get an ultrasound." I said to the lady behind the desk. "Do you have an appointment?" She asked. "Um no.." "Well lucky you there's an opening right now, just sit there and she will call you in in just a minute." "Okay, thank you." I said going to sit down. "Lily, come right this way." The nurse said. I followed her to the room. "So what are you here for?" She asked. "An ultrasound, I took a home pregnancy test and it said positive so I just wanted to make sure." I said. "Okay, and I'm assuming your the father." She said to CC. "Yes I am, I'm Christian. " He said shaking her hand. "Okay I'll need you to pull up your shirt." I did as she said, "okay this might be a little cold." She said putting gel, which was cold onto my stomach. "Okay, you are certainly pregnant, you are a month along, there's your baby." I smiled. "Okay, you can wipe of the gel, and then I'll need you to come back next month and you can find out the gender." She said. "Okay."
I made an appointment for next month as CC got the car. "So when will we tell everyone?" CC asked. "Whenever you want." "How about tomorrow, since Sammi will be over, with Jinxx, ams we are planning on having a barbecue." "Sounds good."

(Jinxx's p.o.v.)

I woke up and went into the living room where Sammi was. "Well good morning." She said. "Good morning p, what time is it?" I asked. "Umm, 10:30." "Okay." I said sitting down by her. "Do you want coffee?" "Sure." Sammi went and got me some coffee. "here you go." She said handing me the cup. "Thank you." "You welcome."

I stayed at Sammi's for awhile. "Well I should go home." I said. "Okay, I'll see you soon." I kissed her and then left.

(CCs p.o.v.)

I was sitting in my room by myself and I was think that Lily and I should get our own place since we are having a baby. I went onto Lily's room to talk to her about it.

"Hey, Lily, I think we should maybe get an apartment or house of our own, before the baby is born, what do you think?" I asked her.
"Yeah that's probably a good idea, I mean it is a big house, but we kinda need our own space," she responded.
"So it's settled we are getting a house or apartment whichever." "Okay."

I went into the living room to watch tv. But Lisa and Andy were out there yelling at each other. There was also another girl, who I recognized, from high school, it was Scarlette Johnson. Lisa and Andy had taken a break for awhile in high school and Andy dated her.

(Lisa p.o.v.)

"I can't believe you cheated on me with her!" I yelled pointing at Scarlette.
"It's bit what you think!" Andy yelled back.
"Oh really, because I walked into OURS bedroom and you were on OUR bed naked with her, tell me what that is!"
"Okay fine it was what it looked like, but I'm sorry, Lisa, I love you." He said calmly trying to hug me.
"Stay away from me. We're over." I said starting to cry. CC was standing there and he gave me a hug. CC gave Andy the death look then walked away.

(Andy's p.o.v.)

I can't believe I lost her. I decided to go out to the bar. I spent the day at the bar drinking whiskey, beer, and many other drinks. All I know is I woke up in my car outside the house. I had a horrible hangover and my head hurt like a bitch. I went inside. "Where were you last nigh?" Lisa asked. "I went to the bar," I responded. "Oh." "Yeah well I'm going to go lay down." "Okay."

I went into Lisa and mines room, I,,probably move into one of the guests bedrooms. I laid down on the bed and just though about what I did. I lost Lisa because I made a stupid mistake to sleep with Scar (Scarlette). I hate myself for it, I love Lisa, I want to be with her forever, but it's not going to happen. A few minutes later Lisa walked in. "Here have some water and Ibuprofen," she said handing it to me. "Thanks." "Yeah, um can we talk?" She asked. "Yeah, what about?" "Well, this breakup isn't forever. I do want to be with you, so maybe, there should be no break up, I forgive you, I can tell how much you hate yourself for it." "Really? You still want to be with me?" "Of course Andy, we have been together since freshman year, I love you!" She said then kissed me. I kidded back. We laid in bed for 3 hours but then we had to get up and help get things reDy for the barbecue tonight.

(Lily's p.o.v.)

We were getting things ready for tonight. We got easer up then Sammi got here. Liz got here and she brought her girlfriend, Emmy. A few more people arrived and we ate.

"CC and I have something to say," I said getting everyone's attention, "I'm pregnant, I'm one month along."
"WE ARE PLANNING YOU A BABY SHOWER!" Liz, Lisa, Sammi, and Emmy all yelled at the same time.
"Okay," I said.
"But have two months to plan, because we aren't doing this till we know if you have a girl or boy inside you." Lisa said.

"Okay," I responded.

We hung out and watched movies and went swimming, everyone spent the night, CC let Emmy and Liz have his room so he just slept with me.

(Chapter 11 done. Hope you enjoyed. Vote, comment, and share. I would like to know what you think of it so far, and what should the gender of the baby be?)

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