Chpt. 9

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(CCs p.o.v.)

I woke up, Lily not in my arms, she must be at work. I looked at the time it was 11am....yeah she's at work. I got out of bed and took a shower, and got ready. I went out and got a cup of coffee. We had band practice today so I went and grabbed ,y drumsticks and went to the practice room. "Okay you guys have a show on Friday at 9pm. You will be playing five songs, 'in the end', 'heart of fire', 'faithless', 'knives and pens', and 'lost it all'. I need you guys to choose the order of how you will play the, right now then practice." Lisa said. Oh yeah she's our manager. "Sounds good." Andy said. She then left and we decided we would play the songs in the order. 'Heart of fire', 'faithless', 'lost it all', 'knives and pens' than 'in the end'. Turns out we are one of the opening bands for Bring me the Horizon. We practiced all day with a couple breaks to eat. We finished practice at 3:30. Lily should be home in about a hour.

I went to the back and sat by the pool. I sat there for I don't even know how long. But then I got pushed in. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" I yelled realizing it was Lily. She jumped in and them said. "I wanted to go swimming, and you were sitting out here right by the pool so I figured you could swim with me." She said. "Isn't it crazy our first kiss was in this pool, and we weren't even together." I said. "Yeah." She said then jumped on my back and kissed my cheek. "I love you CC." "I love you too Lily." We swam till it got dark the guys ended up jointing us. But not Jinxx he went out on a date, I think with Sammi.

We all went inside got ready for bed then watched a movie and went to sleep.

(Chapter 9 done. Sorry it's short this is just kinda a filler. The next chapter will either be in Jinxx's and Sammi's p.o.v., or it will be about the concert not sure yet. Like, comment, and share.)

It Get Better (sequel to finding him)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora