Chpt. 5

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(CCs p.o.v.)

It was noon and Lily was still sleeping. Since we had a pool I decided how I would wake her up. I went in her room and picked her up. Lisa opened the door for me. Everyone watched me and they were laughing quietly. I threw Looy in the pool. "WHAT THE HELL!! CC YOU BITCH!!!" She yelled. All six of us were laughing. At that moment she pulled me in. I swam to the top and grabbed her. I was going to push her down but I was staring into her beautiful blue eyes. I leaned in and kissed her passionately. She kisses back. Then Lisa jumped in and ruined the moment. "STOP KISSING!!" Lisa yelled. "You two aren't even together, or are you secretly dating?" "We aren't together." Lily said while getting out of the pool. "That kiss says the opposite." Jinxx said. "Shut up." Lily said smacking him in the back of the head. "Owe that hurt." "Good." I got out of the pool and went to put in dry clothes.

(Lily p.o.v.)

I went inside to shower and put on dry clothes. I can't believe I kissed CC. I had other boyfriends since Jay in high school, but it never felt the way it did with him. But with CC I had that feeling inside. Butterflies in my stomach. My heart was pounding. It felt right. I'm falling for him.

I got out of the shower and got dressed. I decide not to wear makeup and just wear my hair down. I came out of the bathroom and ran into CC. "Be ready at 8. I'm Taking you out in a date." He said. "Okay?" I said questionably. "Just be ready okay?" "okay."

(CCs p.o.v.)

I went into jakes room. "Jake I need your help." I said. "Okay, what do you need?" He asked. "I'm taking Lily on a date. Where should I bring her?" "There's a beach near here, bring her there. Why are you bringing her on a date anyway?" "I'm planning on asking her out tonight." I said smiling. "Aww well good luck. I think she will say yes do to the event that happened earlier." He said lush hung. "Yeah, thanks man." "No problem."

I got things ready for our date tonight. I went and bought her a single red rose, like I did before. I brought it inside and got ready. I just put on a pair of black jeans and a plain white shirt. It was already 6 holy shit.

(Lilys p.o.v.)

I was walking by jakes room when CC asked where he should bring me for our date so I listened then after he said I left. I didn't really care what else. I just wanted to know what I should wear. I put on black skinny jeans and a Pierce the veil shirt and my black vans. By now it was 7. One hour till we leave. I went into the living room and watched tv with jinxx and Jake. "Where's ash?" I asked. "He out with some girl." Jake said. "Oh okay. What about andy and Lisa?" "I Actually don't know." Jake said. "ANDY STOP!" Lisa yelled running down the stairs Andy following. "I'm going to get you." He said grabbing her then they kissed. "I WIN!" He yelled. "What the hell are you to doing?" Jinxx asked. "Curing out boredom." Lisa and andy said together. "Well could you do it quieter I have a headache." Jinxx said.

(CC p.o.v.)

"Lily lets go." I said. "Okay." We got in my car. "So where are we going?" She asked. "Ugh, the beach." I said, I wasn't going to try and surprise her. "Oh fun." We got to the beach. We walked along the water then we went and sat down and watched the sunset. "Lily you're so beautiful." I said. "Aw thanks you!" She said blushing. "Lily, will you be my girlfriend?" I asked shyly. "Of course I will." I kissed her then we went back to the house. We hung out in my room. We sat on my bed and she put her feet on my legs. "Are you comfortable?" I asked. "Eh" she said coming to lay on my chest. "Now I am." She said looking up smiling. "Good." We talked and messed around until about 1:30 when she fell asleep. I wrapped my arms around her then we went to sleep.

(5th chapter done. How are you guys liking it so far? Like, comment, and share!)

It Get Better (sequel to finding him)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz