Chpt. 8

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(Lilys p.o.v.)

I woke up in CCs arms. I could get used to this. I looked at him, then he opened his eyes. "Good morning beautiful." he said softly, then kissed my lips. "Good morning babe." I said. We stayed like that for awhile. "I'm going to get up. Do you want to come with?" I asked. "Nope I'm going back to sleep." CC said putting his face into the pillow. "Okay lazy ass." I said then went upstairs to the kitchen.

I was getting coffee when Ashley said "So did you have fun last night?" "I don't know what you're talking about." I said taking a drink of coffee. "We all know you slept with CC last night." Ash said. Then CC walked in. "He babe." He said wrapping his arms around my waist. "I thought you were going to sleep." "Well I was, but I couldn't get back to sleep." "Okay." He kissed my forehead then got coffee.

I wanted to get to know Sammi a little better so I texted her.

l~ hey it's lily
S~ hey what's up
L~I was wondering if you wanted to come to the mall with me today
S~yes!!!! I love shopping
L~okay I'll pick you up at 11
S~sounds good c ya!

I finished my coffee and got ready. I wore a pair of red skinny jeans, a plain black shirt, leather jacket, and black boots. I made my eye makeup dark. Then I was ready I grabbed my phone and wallet.

"Where are you going?" Jake asked.
"I'm going to the mall with Sammi." I said. "Can I come?" Jinxx asked. "Um no, I want to spend a day with her so I can get to know her." I said. "Okay." "Well I got to go see you!" "Bye." Everyone said.

I got in the car and went to pick up Sammi. When I got to her house she was waiting outside. "Ready." I asked. "I'm always ready to go shopping." She said. I couldn't help but laugh. We pulled into the mall parking lot. "So what store first?" She asked. "Hot topic, I need more jeans." I said. "Okay, then we have to go to Victoria Secret." "Ugh, do we have to?" "Yes." "fine." We went to hot topic I ended up getting 3 pairs of skinny jeans a blue pair, purple pair, and lime green pair. I also got a few necklaces. Then we went to Victoria Secret, I ended up getting two bras. Then we got Starbucks. We were sitting down waiting for our coffee when I got a call. "Hello." I said. "Hi, is this Lily Adams?" The person said. "Yes, and who is this?" "It's Jase from L.A. Ink. You got the job." "Thank you! When do I start?" "Thursday at 8am. I'll email you your schedule." "Okay thank you bye." "Bye."

"Who was that?" Sammi asked. "Jase, my new boss." I said. "Sweet, where are you working?" L.A. ink as a tattoo artist." "sweet." We drank our STARBUCKS did more shopping then went home.

As soon as I walked in I yelled "I GOT THE JOB!!" Even though everyone was right there. "YAY MY FIRST TATTOO HERE I COME!!" Lisa yelled. "Good job babe." CC said. "Congrats." Ashley said. "Sweet." Jake and Jinxx said. "Could you give me a tattoo? And Lisa an I can have matching ones." Andy said. "Of course. I start Thursday."

"Jinxx, who are you texting?" I asked. "Sammi." He answered. "He's been texting her all day." Lisa said. "Oh so that's who she was texting. She wouldn't tell me." I said. "I'm going to make food, Lily do you want to help?" Lisa asked. "Yeah, why not."

We ended up making lasagna. It turned out really good. Lisa and I hung out in my room and we came up with a design for her first tattoo.


It's 6:30am and I'm awake I hate it but I get to work, to a place that I love. I got ready quietly so I wouldn't wake anyone up. I got a cup of coffee then left. I got to the tattoo shop and they showed me my space where I would work. I was able to decorate a little. I got things set up. The shop didn't open till 10. So we all just sat around and talk I ended up making friends with a girl that worked there named Liz. She had blue hair and spectrum piercing. It was 10 now so we had to get to work. Lisa came I tot he shop. I thought she would wait but never mind. Andy was with her too. "I'm here for Lily." She said to Liz (she works at the front desk). "Do you have an appointment?" Liz asked. "No but she my best friend." She said I walked out. "Liz this is Lisa I told her I would give her first tattoo I didn't know she would come in today, but I can take her back." I said. "Oh okay." Liz said. I took Lisa back and I drew the tattoo and gave it to her. We talked while I gave it to her it took about a hour. She payed, well Andy payed, then they left. I have two other people tattoos and I'm now full for the rest of the week. I had to work till 11pm so I just got fast food. When I got home CC was watching tv. "Why are you still up?" I asked. "I wanted to be up when you got home, now let's go to bed." He said m. He came over and picked me up. "You know I can walk right?" "Yeah but then you would fonts your room." "Okay." He carried me to his room and I stole one of his shirts to sleep in. We Layed in bed and talk and talked about our day then went to sleep.

(A/N 8th chapter done. The picture is of Liz. Like, comment, and share.)

It Get Better (sequel to finding him)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя