3/ The Hangover Cure

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"FP! It's nice to see you! Come dance with me!" She stepped aside from the man she was previously dancing with, his hands now falling off her body.

Instead, she took FP's hand to plant them on her waist while she continued to dance (or, her attempt to).

"You are more handsome than that creep anyway."

She grinned at him, but FP didn't cooperate with her trying to dance with him. He took back his own hands from her waist and grabbed her arms instead, helping her to stand steady.

"Alice, I am flattered but you're drunk. Let's take you back upstairs." He said kindly, trying to take her hand and tug her towards the exist. Alice however, wasn't ready to leave.

"I'm feeling amazing, I don't want to go home yet!"

The look in her eyes truly seemed to agree with her words, but FP was worried that if he would let her dance here all night that she would either pass out or would fall for some lame pick of line from a lonely man who just wanted to get laid.

"You can barely stand on your feet, come let me help you." He pulled her arm over his shoulder so she could lean on him and helped her towards Fred again, who had been chatting with the bartender.

"Okay, but you are coming upstairs with me. I haven't had sex in months." Alice clung onto him as she walked, because if not, she'd fall on the ground immediately. She didn't even seem to realize that she invited him to sleep with her so boldly.

"You're totally losing it, I am taking you out of here." FP dragged her towards Fred, purposely skipping over her sexual comment.

There was a big chance she wouldn't even remember that the next day and he was most definitely not going upstairs with her in this state.

"Yes, out of here. I am going to rock your world, Jones." She slurred, and tried to get him to look at her so he could see that this was a promise she was making.

"Fred, I need a hand. She's outta control." FP sighed as she reached his best friend, who immediately grabbed her other arm to hold her body.

"Is she hitting on you?" Fred said confused and laughed a little out loud by her last comment.

"Looks like it. We better take her to her apartment before she goes home with some creep."

He looked at the almost passed out woman on his left side, who seemed totally out of this world. There was no way he was going to leave her like this in a bar full of men that couldn't care less about her state.

Though Alice wasn't a tall or heavy person, having to take someone up three floors of stairs when they didn't cooperate at all was even a challenge for two grown men.

"I like being carried. Makes taking the stairs so much easier." Alice giggled, not having any clue about how hard Fred and FP were trying to get her upstairs safely without slipping or dropping her.

"You really needed to brag about your muscles, didn't you?" Fred sighed and shook his head, referring to the joke he had made at dinner last week.

Eventually, they reached the floor of their apartment and opened the door with the keys that FP had grabbed out of the pocket of her jeans and helped her inside.

"Be quiet, Betty and Polly must be asleep." Fred whispered quietly, making sure that neither he or FP would make a sound.

Alice however, was a whole other story. She was oblivious to the fact that it was past midnight.

They helped her into her bedroom and laid her down on her bed. She collapsed immediately, no struggling in sight. She didn't have any energy left to object. The soft pillow against her cheek made her sleepy instantly.

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