5: The death of Pleasure

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Slayer walked with Terena beside him, and she had somehow followed him 2 gates in without being affected. In fact he didn't even notice her following at first till it was too late for her to go back.

Terena explained that thanks to her link with him, she shared the gifts of the Seraphim with him.

So... basically his family was Doom-gal.


Actually, not, that really is wonderful. No sarcasm needed here. Backup was always good.

However, her wearing a Adeptus Satarous helmet modified to look like the E1M1 version of Doomguy's helmet was kind of distracting, reminding Marcus of his childhood before he was the gamer.

Ah he loved that game. His father introduced him to the original doom when he was very young. It was the first video game he ever really played over and over again.

(no this is not just a markiplier reference, it's also true in my case)

Marcus walked up to the 2nd to last gate of the 6.


Ah, so they'd keep with the theme of each gate being named in latin.

He had passed Advinity, Gluttony, Carnality, and Pride.

The last 2 are Paramountcy, and Idolency.

He had a feeling he'd DESPISE these last 2.

This gate translates to paramountcy.

Walking past the gate the entire environment changed. It looked as though both Terena and Doomguy were backstage behind a larger curtum. Reaching for the seam he pulled it aside revealing something that angered him to no end. Something that reminded the Doomslayer half of his soul of all of his failure to protect Argent D'nur.

Thousands of space marines were on either side of an ile, stopped by a large golden inscribed glass on either side of the path. They were....

They were cheering for him, shouting for his approval, .... Begging for it.... All the while roses fell from the sky and airships flew around with his name hanging from them on large golden cloth inscribed in red letters.


Walking by, stowing his age he ignored their shouts. Ignored their cheers.

Astartes crowd: CONQUEROR! HERO!

They had no idea how wrong they were...

Astartes Crowd: DEMON SLAYER!!!!! LEADER!!!

The crowd seemed to become more and more agitated at him ignoring them.

Marcus just countied to walk, not giving a fuck about their approval. 'They aren't even real', he reminded himself, pushing forward, the pain in his chest growing more and more at their cheers.


He coined or pushed forward, chuckling. He wasn't invincible... not even close, and sure as fuck wasn't mighty. (in his view)

........ He was just a normal man too angry to die. Astartes or not.

Single Astartes in the crowd: A WORTHY FATHER!!!

Stopping Marcus snapped towards where he heard that, rage filling his voice as he shouted at them.


His Doom-Slayer side was now roaring in outrage in his mind, and it affected the Yn half too.

The crowd was now silent as a single Astartes slowly raised his hand nervously, shaking in fear, despite it being an illusion, Marcus didn't care.

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