RWBY reaction 2

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(story is subject to changes such as role changes, gender bends and other changes)

After gaining his bearings and letting his body recover. Once his gamer power was fully active he gained all of 'his' strength back, aligning him to quickly learn that... well in truth it scared him. Not only is he a Psyker... but he's a primarch. And Primarch's don't exactly have the best track record when being Psykers.

The crate in front of his tube had weapons already created by the system. 40K versions of The Slayer's weapons along with a little something extra.

The first weapon was a Heavy Assault Bolter.

Ruby and Summer drooled at the weapon. It was already personalised and ready for battle.... They couldn't help but wonder what it could do. As did the rest of the RWBY universe personnel.

Rather than the typical 75 caliber armor-piercing, uranium tipped, high explosive rocket-propelled rounds, this one fires 78 caliber armor-piercing uranium tipped, high explosive rocket-propelled rounds.

Ironwood was impressed with the ammunition of the weapon and made notes. Perhaps he could use this to enhance the armies of Atlas.

The 2nd was a double-barrel scatter bolter

It seems like a Double barrel but... something about it was different....

The double-barrel skater bolter has a single spike that functions just like a fully upgraded meathook from Doom Eternal. In addition, it fires twin slugs which are both 75 caliber armor-piercing uranium tipped high explosive rounds, but after 12 meters, those rounds' plating strip away launching molten slag at the enemy. FAR more effective than buckshot. And if the rounds hit before they separate from the Bolt... well... the plating of the bolt strips away WITHIN the target.

Salem, Summer, and even Ozpin had to admit. Weapons such as these were simply TOO dangerous to exit in their worlds. They'd have to look for those who used such weapons. They'd have to search for them and destroy them.

The 3rd was a custom Laz-rifle

The prospect of a laser rifle caught Ruby's attention immediately as it didi Winter's. Ironwood peroasly didn't see the benefit of that versus dust.

An Astartes tier weapon, this weapon fires bolts of plasma at lightspeed that explode upon impact. Anything even resembling an energy shield will eventually be overloaded and that energy shield will be turned into a bomb.

The 4th was a rocket launcher

To the naked eye it was a normal generic launcher. To Ruby and Summer, it was FAR more than that. Both could clearly and subtle modifications to it and the rocket itself.

This rocket fires a sight guided rocket that can explode upon impact or separate into 3 separate rockets with the exact same yield.

Ironwood shivered and began scraping his notes. He had realised just how dangerous these weapons were... FAR too dangerous.

The 5th was a golden class Tranq gun.

Many of them didn't get it. This weapon didn't fit the theme of the others. What could a tranq gun do against aura??

Unlike most, this tranq gun is very effective, rendering the target uncoiling within 10 seconds if a body shot is made, and instantly if a headshot is made.

The 6th... was a heavily modified plasma pistol.

The modifications were clear to everyone here in the audience. Even those who weren't that well versed in weapon modification. Raven could easily see the multiple origins of this weapon as did her old partner: Summer.

Astartes Doomguy gamer X RWBY/MultiverseWhere stories live. Discover now