no more mercy (slightly revised)

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(any misspellings or words that seem out of place thanks to autocorrect will be fixed in the RWBY reaction)

6 months after Miller's rescue, multiple safe houses were established across Junkyard as Marcus has come to call it due to the fact that it was essentially just a giant space hulk.

AND, given the fact that Marcus could sense an Elder Psyker somewhere on the planet, he stayed as far away as possible. In truth, he hadn't done much with his Psyker abilities, only explored Technomancy and his newly discovered Biomancy and warpcraft. Biomancy was simple. Taking traits you wanted and rejecting the traits you didn't want. Using this, Marcus had enhanced his skeletal system even further than the normal Astartes, increased his height, muscle density, his vision, slowing his perception of time and sound, and even added a 3rd heart.

Where was Marcus now, sitting in his new armor,

Where was Marcus now, sitting in his new armor,

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Working on a new weapon. He hadn't worked out a name yet but he was essentially trying to create a quad barrel laz gun that was worthy of an Astartes

Right now Marcus was wondering about modifications. He could increase the size of the heat sinks and integrate a rotating power cell system with a thermal-couple linked to the power cells to recharge them While not being used and while being used, increasing the ammo capacity as a result.

Another idea was to shorten the weapon's barrel and add another before linking them and creating the firing sequence, creating something like a twin-linked laz gun.

Turns out as he was wondering what to do, essentially daydreaming, his technomancy did the work for him.


Marcus: DIE!

His voice was deep and baritone. Comparable to Optimus actually. Surprisingly for an Astartes so young.

Marcus grabbed an orc, spin-throwing him into a larger one before rushing said larger ork and rammed his Doom Blade into the Orcs' skull. Marcus then jumped away and drew his Heavy assault bolter, and pulled the trigger, holding it down.

One orc after another was ripped apart.

Stoping, Marcus lowered his weapons slightly before sending it into his inventory and began his trench forward. They were guarding this large vault-like doorway. Why?

Khorne Marine: FOR KHORN!

Looking behind him, Marcus grimaces seeing the number of Chaos Marines.

In truth, he could handle anything the chaos gods threw at him, even THAT, but he had a mission.

Turning around Marcus pried the vault-like door open and entered the vault door closing behind him. Whatever was in here was more important than letting a little anger out.

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