Chapter 28~ Last chapter

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(Ahhh Last chapter!! Honestly, I thought this would take longer to finish but it went well, school was easy and the chapter is here! Hope you enjoy)

I was really dumbfounded about what to wear. We were going to a restaurant but I had never been on a date before so I didn't know. That was when I heard banging on my door. I opened it to see all the girls there. I tilted my head in confusion. 

"So we told Mina about the date and she basically told everyone", Jirou and Ochako smiled sheepishly.

"Yeah! Y/n is going on date! I couldn't help myself", Mina said, very energetically.

"Well, it's a good thing you're here. I have no idea about what to wear", I said with a pleading look in my eyes. "Oh yeah! We'll help you!", Mina assured me. They all led me to her room.

And that was when I was put through hell. Don't get me wrong they were just trying to help me but I had to wear SO MANY dresses, I honestly thought I'd just ditch the whole thing. So when I saw them arguing among themselves about which dress was better, I made my escape. I was on the way to my dorm when I ran into Bakugou.

"Oi! What are you doing?!?", he asked. "Well the girls were trying to help me but now they're arguing among themselves about what dress to wear and I'm not in the mood for that", I said. I thought this answer would satisfy him but he just grabbed my arm and pulled me into his dorm. I was surprised before he threw something at my face. 

It was f/c coloured dress with matching lace that went down to my knees. But the biggest question here was "Why would Bakugou have woman's clothes?". I decided to ask him that and he replied. "It was for someone else", he replied quietly. "It's Ochako isn't it", I teased.

"That's none of your damn business!!", he said, flustered. So basically what happened was he bought it for her but his pride didn't let him give it to her. 

"Next time, give her pink. She really likes that color." He just scoffed but I knew he paid attention to my statement. (Sorry if you don't ship Kacchako, but there's no reason to hate other people's ships. Respect them) 

I put it on, it was a pretty good fit. But before I could do anything else. I received a call from an unknown number. I picked it up to talk to .......................

I saw Todoroki all dressed, waiting for me. Normally it would have been pretty easy to keep up conversations with him but knowing we were on a date didn't let us engage in a normal conversation. That was when I tried to break the silence.

"You know from the time we first met, I had no idea that this day would come. I mean we didn't even talk to each other that much the first few days." This seemed to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, I also think it's kinda peculiar. But I guess you can also look at it in this way. That we started off as just classmates and then I guess our friendship grew", he stated.

"More like I grew it. You remember what happened when you blamed me of getting money to ask you why you wouldn't use your left side", I said. "Hey! At least I was able to apologize!", he defended. "Yeah, I know. I'm just teasing you", I replied with a smile. We just kept on talking and soon finished our food. As we were walking back I decided to tell Todoroki.

"Hey, you know I received a call from an unknown number today. I didn't think much about it but Shoto, that call made my whole day." Todoroki tilted his head in confusion. "It was her, Shoto. It was my mom. She now has a steady business and she found my number through Aizawa. She's coming to visit me tomorrow. And I'm so happy!"

He seemed happy to hear that. He smiled at me. Before he said,

"You know Y/n, from the first day we talked till now I had always thought you were cute. But I didn't act that way because I thought it would just get in the way of me being a hero. But right now I'm glad I accepted my feelings. Because you're right here right now by my side. I honestly thought this day couldn't get any better but when you said your mom called you I guess she proved me wrong", he said.

"You really do care about me don't you", I sighed. "It feels nice to know someone other than my relatives do. I feel happy right now, a genuine feeling of happiness is what I'm talking about." I said before I pulled him into a hug.

He gave me a sweet smile and I felt like my heart would jump out of my chest because of how pretty he looked.

"Can I kiss you?", I mumbled, barely loud enough for him to hear.

Before he even answered, he closed the gap between us and I felt the sweet sensation of his lips kissing mine. It felt like the whole world had come to standstill and that we were the only two people on the earth at that moment. He pulled away, gasping for air before swiftly kissing me again. 

Words can't describe how I felt at that moment but it was the most romantic experience of my life and I turned beet red.

"Hey, Shoto?" I asked. "Yeah", he responded. "I'm really glad that you're... 

here with me."

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