Back to the Start: Chapter 29

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"Seriously," Night started making sure to keep her distance from the old clown statues, "who would put a reactor here?!"

"Yeah like what if it fell over or something?! It would kill so many people," Crow agreed. They had only been separated from their friends for a few minutes before they were jumping and twitching at every sound. However Crow knew this was getting ridiculous! He had to be braver than Night for once! She has so many times before put her issues behind her to help him out. Now it was his turn, after all he was a Signer and this was his fight. "But we gotta keep going," Crow said stiffening his back, "we are bound at least to see a piece of it sometime soon, right?" Trying to cheer her up he tossed her one of his big cheesy smiles with a thumbs up.

Night was a little taken back at Crow's sudden confidence despite the number of clowns laying around. Though his smile was contagious and she felt herself smile then nodded, "right!"

They fell silent again as they walked which was bothering loudmouth Crow so he scrambled for any form of conversation starters. "So how have you been?"

"Since," Night drifted wondering how far back she had to go, it has been a while since they last met before this whole fiasco.

Crow shrugged kicking a rock that was not at all in the way or a hazard to anyone. Poor rock. "I guess since we last saw each other."

She sighed rubbing her arm then as she thought about it her hand subconsciously drifted to her mark from the Facility. "Honestly, on a crazy fucking roller coaster. I mean one moment we were all a happy team then Kalin happened. After that I was just working at the factory with the guys that Yusei lives with. They are a cool bunch which is nice for Rosie to be around so I could leave her in their care with no doubt. Then Yusei suddenly came up with the idea of going into the city so I joined him, so much went down after that," Night groaned shaking her head. "It was like we were in a fucking blender of chaos! Once second we are in the arena where Yusei and Jack are dueling it out, the next a huge dragon comes from no where and we all have these marks on us. Suddenly we are tossed into the Facility where we run into Star, shit goes down there, the chief there was a dick. We got released and I lost Yusei for a couple of days, but ran into him and Star, boy was that an awkward moment."

He gave a nervous laugh rubbing his neck, "yeah right? Have two past lovers in the same room on casual terms? Gotta be so fucking awkward."

"It was," the blonde continued, "I am surprised I didn't kill her honestly. Anyway from there it got more chaotic and I am so fucking done."

The orange haired boy nodded slowly looking at the sky, "I think that is one thing we all share despite our differences towards each other. I just wanna go home and be able to hug the kids again."

Night only nodded sighing sending a quick prayer to her little sister hoping it would improve the little one's health conditions. Silence fell upon them again so Night decided to continue, "what about you?"

"Nothing new," he shrugged, "just fighting the good fight taking from the rich and giving to the poor."

"My little Robin Hood," Night eased ruffling his hair.

"Hey! I am taller than you!"

"That isn't saying much! I am already shor-," the girl stopped herself from continuing not wanting to confirm the term for her height.

Of course Crow just laughed as Night pouted looking away with a blush on her face, "you were gonna say short! That is funny," he sighed.

As they took a turn making their way down a path that went to the right Night paused looking in the opposite direction. She couldn't pin point it, but it felt much like one of the Keepers were in danger, as if they aren't in enough danger already. This feeling was strong and hard to ignore because it felt as though it had a death grip on her spine leaving chills run down her back in its wake. "You think the others are okay?"

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 24, 2017 ⏰

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